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Primary Economics

In this lesson, students will play the role of a consumer as they learn how to use different combinations of coins to make money amounts up to 25 cents. Students will earn money and save it in their piggy banks until they have the exact amount to purchase an item of their choice.

Supply and Demand

In this grades 9–12 activity, students write and solve a system of linear equations in a real-world setting. Students should be familiar with finding linear equations from 2 points or from the slope and y-intercept. Graphing calculators are not necessary for this activity, but could be used to extend the ideas found on the second activity sheet. Parts of this lesson plan were adapted from the October 1991 edition of Mathematics Teacher.

National Debt and Wars

Students will collect information about the National debt, plot the data by decade, and determine whether an exponential curve is a good fit for the data. Then student groups will determine and compare common traits and differences in changes in the National debt in three major eras: the Civil War, World War I, and World War II.