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Data Analysis and Probability

Mathematics and Environmental Concerns

Focus on connections between mathematics and environmental concerns.
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Number and Operations

Mathematics and Football


Discuss, describe, read, and write about the graphs and the information obtained.  

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Measuring Up

Engage in a variety of activities that involve taking measurements, exploring different ratios, and examining similar figures.
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Movement with Functions

6-8, 9-12

Use movement to reinforce the concepts of linear functions and systems of equations.  

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Number and Operations

Multiplication: It's in the Cards

Use the properties of multiplication to master the multiplication facts.
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Number and Operations

Number Cents

Explore the relationship between pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.
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Number and Operations

Numbers and Language


Focus on the role of numbers and language in real-world situations.  

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Data Analysis and Probability

Numerical and Categorical Data

Formulate and answer questions that can be addressed with numerical and categorical data.
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Data Analysis and Probability

Paper Pool


Develop students' understanding of ratio, proportion, greatest common factor and least common multiple.


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Data Analysis and Probability

Paper Pool: Analyzing Numeric and Geometric Patterns


Develop students' understanding of ratio, proportion, greatest common denominator and least common multiple.