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A Friedman number is a number that can be represented with an expression that uses only the digits in the number. In addition, the expression can include +, –, ×, ÷, exponents and parentheses, but nothing else. For instance, 25 is a Friedman number because it can be represented as 52. A nice Friedman number is a Friedman number for which the digits occur in the same order in the expression as they do in the original number.
So, 343 is a nice Friedman number, because it can be represented by an expression with the digits 3, 4, and 3 in the same order:

343 = (3 + 4)3 

The first seven nice Friedman numbers are 127, 343, 736, 1285, 2187, 2502, 2592. Can you find an expression for each of them?

This brainteaser was written by Derrick Niederman.  

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