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Squares are Special Rectangles

Students compare and sort rectangles and special rectangles called squares learning to distinguish between the two using their attributes. They will use manipulatives to form squares and rectangles. They will also identify and take pictures of squares and rectangles around school and make a class book.

Primary Economics

In this lesson, students will play the role of a consumer as they learn how to use different combinations of coins to make money amounts up to 25 cents. Students will earn money and save it in their piggy banks until they have the exact amount to purchase an item of their choice.

Seeing Double

In this lesson, students encounter the magical effect of reflection as they use a mirror to visually experience the concept of doubling quantities. This experience focuses student’s attention to using doubles as a strategy to make number operations easier, specifically addition. Literature is used as an introduction to provide a connection and motivation, a game is used for discovery and practice, and writing is used as closure to this lesson.
Data Analysis and Probability

Tallies, Ten Frames, and Baseball Games

Your home team can set the stage for students to make math connections. Students will record wins and losses in different formats to discover connections between many of the concepts taught earlier in the year. This lesson will provide daily and weekly practice with patterns, addition and subtraction equations, number models and math communication.
Data Analysis and Probability

Rubber Ducky, Where Are You?

Students search for hidden ducks in the classroom without collecting them and design their own method for keeping track of what they find. Discussion follows to compare methods used (tallies, numbers, dots, etc.) It would be fun to use this in the spring as an alternative to an egg hunt.
Number and Operations

Coin Box

Pre-K-2, 3-5
Learn how to count, collect, exchange, and make change for coins by manipulating coins using an array representation.
DynamicPaper ICON
Data Analysis and Probability

Dynamic Paper

Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Need a pentagonal pyramid that's six inches tall? Or a number line that goes from ‑18 to 32 by 5's? You can create all those things and more! Place the images you want, then export it as a PDF or as a JPG image.


Geometric Solids

Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
This tool allows you to manipulate various geometric solids and investigate their properties.
GroupingAndGrazing ICON
Number and Operations

Grouping and Grazing

Help the alien spaceship move cows into corrals by counting, adding, and subtracting. This activity helps children learn grouping, tally marks, and place value.
Data Analysis and Probability

Adjustable Spinner

Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Use this tool to create a spinner to examine experimental and theoretical outcomes.