the Web site, student groups collect data to plan a trip to Disneyland
or Disney World. [You may wish to substitute some other destination of
high interest for your students.] In lesson 6 students plan the trip
using data collected in this lesson. Depending upon your location, this
may be an overnight trip or a day trip. Using skills they developed in
the previous lessons, students determine not only elapsed time and
distance, but extend their problem solving to figuring meals, lodging,
and air travel.
As students tackle this more complex task, teachers have
opportunity to observe students’ growing competence with methods and
tools for computation, estimation, problem posing and solving,
interpretation of graphical representations, measuring with standard
units, and responding to investigations that require the comparison of
data sets. This lesson is designed to take approximately 45 minutes but
time will vary according to the needs and abilities of your students.