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The Weight of Things

This lesson introduces and provides practice with the measurable attributes of weight. It also gives an opportunity to assess student knowledge of and skill in using measurement of mass. This learning experience focuses students’ attention on the attributes of weight using hands-on activities and active learning.
Number and Operations

What Balances?

This lesson encourages students to explore another meaning of subtraction, the balance. They use subtraction facts to generate related addition facts and explore at the concrete level the idea of subtraction as the inverse of addition.

Looking Back and Moving Forward

This final lesson reviews the work of the previous lessons and suggests a framework for summative assessment. Students will self-select a solution strategy for subtraction from the models introduced in this unit. An extension activity is suggested in which students use the mathematical knowledge and skills developed in the previous lessons to demonstrate understanding and ability to apply that knowledge to playing a new game.

Hopping Backward on the Number Line

In this lesson, students generate differences using a number line model. Because this model highlights the measurement aspect of subtraction, it is a distinctly different representation from the models presented in the previous lessons of this unit. The order property for subtraction is investigated. At the end of the lesson, children are encouraged to predict differences and solve puzzles involving subtraction.
Number and Operations

Wrapping Up the Unit

During this final lesson in the unit, the students use the mathematical knowledge and skills developed in the previous lessons as they visit five stations to review comparative subtraction.
Number and Operations

Balancing Equations

This lesson encourages the students to explore another meaning for operations of subtraction, the balance. This meaning leads naturally into recording with equations. The students will imitate the action of a pan balance and record the modeled subtraction facts in equation form.
Number and Operations

Balancing Discoveries

This lesson encourages students to explore another model of addition, the balance model. The exploration also involves recording the modeled addition facts in equation form. Students begin to memorize the addition facts by playing the “seven-up game.”
Number and Operations

Looking Back and Moving Forward

This final lesson of the unit reviews the work of the previous lessons and suggests a framework for summative assessment. During this lesson, students use the mathematical knowledge and skills developed in the previous lessons to demonstrate understanding and the ability to apply that knowledge to playing subtraction games.
Number and Operations


This lesson encourages students to explore another model of subtraction, the balance. This model leads naturally to recording with equations. Students use actual and virtual pan balances in their explorations and record the modeled subtraction facts and the related addition facts in equation form.

Pan Balance – Expressions

3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Using this interactive tool, you can practice arithmetic and algebraic skills, and investigate the important concept of equivalence.