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Name Letters

3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Use this activity to practice solving systems of equations. Use this tool to check students' answers.
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Data Analysis and Probability

A Tale of Two Stories


The activities use The Three Little Pigs (Galdone 1970) and Cinderella (Grimm and Grimm 1981) to motivate students to think and reason mathematically.

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Exploration of a Balance

Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8
Focus on patterns and relations that can be developed from the exploration of balance, mass, length of the mass arm, and the position of the fulcrum.
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Data Analysis and Probability

Mathematics and Environmental Concerns

Focus on connections between mathematics and environmental concerns.
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Patterns That Grow


Use logical thinking to create, identify, extend, and translate patterns.  

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Running Races


Plot points and graph linear functions while continually learning and reinforcing basic multiplication facts.


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Data Analysis and Probability

Scuba Diving in Belize

Explore various real-world applications of different forms of measurement, including time and distance.
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Understanding Distance, Speed, and Time Relationships


Control the speeds and starting points of the runners, watch the race, and examine a graph of the time-versus-distance relationship.


PictureBooksAndPatternsInNumbers ICON

Picture Books and Patterns in Numbers

This series of problems is based on the characters and themes in “Black Dog,” by Pamela Allen. The picture book is not essential to the teaching. However, it is used as an engagement tool that gives context for the following story-based problems and mastering number, pattern, and algebraic reasoning.
Feb2021 Tiny Cover
Data Analysis and Probability

Revealing the Story in Hydrographs from Hurricane Harvey

3-5, 6-8
This lesson is based on the MTLT article, “Making Meaning of Numbers from a Historic Storm" by Ming Tomayko. The lesson uses media coverage of a natural disaster to support students' development of quantitative literacy.