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Supreme Court Welcome

Experience the triangular numbers in an interesting real‑world context of the Supreme Court.
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Number and Operations

Travel in the Solar System

Think about two aspects of the time required to complete space travel within the solar system.
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Using Cubes and Isometric Drawings


Explore polyhedra using different representations and perspectives for three dimensional block figures. 

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Visualizing Squares and Square Roots


Use geoboards to visualize the geometric meanings of square and square root.  

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Number and Operations

Using an Elevator to Evaluate Signed Number Expressions

6-8, 9-12

Using an Elevator to Evaluate Signed Number Expressions Using the idea of an elevator moving up and down, students will be given a small set of rules to add and subtract signed integers. The idea behind the method of adding and subtracting signed integers offered in these lesson is that the number of rules that s

CanYouKenKen ICON
Number and Operations

Can You KenKen?

3-5, 6-8
The objective of this lesson is to use combinations to solve KenKen puzzles. An early solution strategy is for students to guess and check and use logic-based elimination. This lesson builds on those strategies by having students systematically list all possible combinations within each cage, the darkly outlined sections of the puzzle.
Jan2020 Cover
Data Analysis and Probability

Is the Last Banana Game Fair?

This lesson is based on the MTLT article, “ Is the Last Banana Game Fair?” by Patrick Sullivan. The lesson engages students in simulations to calculate experimental probabilities and confirm those results by examining theoretical probabilities. 
Feb2021 Tiny Cover
Data Analysis and Probability

Revealing the Story in Hydrographs from Hurricane Harvey

3-5, 6-8
This lesson is based on the MTLT article, “Making Meaning of Numbers from a Historic Storm" by Ming Tomayko. The lesson uses media coverage of a natural disaster to support students' development of quantitative literacy.  
March 2021 Tiny Cover
Number and Operations

The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence in Popular Media

This lesson is based on the MTLT article, “Incorporating Popular Media to Engage Students” by Michelle Meadows and Joanne Caniglia. The lesson engages students in the beauty and power of the Golden Ratio using media to spark curiosity! 
Jan2021 Tiny Cover
Number and Operations

Mixing Orange Juice

This lesson is based on the MTLT article, " One Task, Multiple Proportional Reasoning Strategies " by Aaron Brakoniecki, Julie M. Amador, and David M. Glassmeyer. In this lesson, students compare multiple reasoning strategies across ideas focused on proportional reasoning.