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Success Stories

A Modification of Deep Sea Duel

A Modification of Deep Sea Duel

Patti Parker

Patti Parker, a grade 5 teacher at Woodbine School in Calgary, Alberta, has been using math games to engage students as they practice the skills they need to solve complex math problems. The 23-year teacher modifies games to meet the different learning needs in her classroom. Curious as to how she modified Deep Sea Duel? She gives students a two-digit product that has more than two possible factors (24, for example). Students are then asked to collect three cards that, when multiplied in succession, have that same product (2, 3, and 4 would work in this case). Illuminations sends a big thank-you to Patti and her students for keeping learning math fun! Keep up the great work!  
 Patti Parker Students  


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