Ektron CMS400.Net Reference

>>Installing Ektron CMS400.NET > Installing Ektron CMS400.Net > Performing the Installation

Performing the Installation


Note: The installation program checks for
- MSSQL on your server. If it is not installed, it will attempt to install SQL Express.

Installing Ektron CMS400.NET involves these actions. The installation program guides you through them.



What it does

For details, see


Copy installation files to C:\Program Files

ensures system requirements

installs non-working copy of files needed to set up site

A screen displays Ektron’s License Agreement. Please read the agreement.


Set up a site - (can be started any time after Phase 1)

moves files based on selected Web folder

creates IIS application directories

sets upload folder permissions

updates web.config (path, version, and build number)

Setting up a Site


Set up a database

references database folder for scripts needed to create a database

creates new tables and populates them

adds and sets user permissions

updates the web.config file

tests database connection

Setting up a Database

Set Up a User for the Ektron CMS400.NET Database

Running the Installation and Setup Program


Setup Screen

1. Go to the Ektron Web site
and download Version 8.02 SP1 Rev 1 of Ektron CMS400.NET.

2. Double click the downloaded CMS400Basevreleasenumber.exe file.

3. Ektron CMS400.NETverifies that your server has all required components. Any that are not installed must be installed before you can continue.

4. A screen displays Ektron’s License Agreement. Please read the agreement.

Click I Accept... to accept the agreement.

If you do not accept, this action ends the setup.

5. Select Complete to install all components.

Or, select Custom to choose which components to install. You can also choose where to install the components.

Note: When you click Next, the install checks for SQL or SQL 2005
Express on the server. If SQL is not installed, a dialog prompts you
to install SQL 2005 Express.

6. The Ready to Install the Program screen appears. Click Install.

7. The installation program copies the necessary files to the C:\Program Files folder.

Warning! - After completing the installation, you should further configure your permissions based on your network security model before using Ektron CMS400.NET.

8. Click Yes to check for updates. This verifies that you have the latest version of Ektron CMS400.NET.

9. You might be prompted to restart your server. If so, Ektron recommends doing a restart now.

Warning! If this dialog appears, do not run the site setup until the system reboots.

Setting up a Site

This section sets up an Ektron CMS400.NET site. The installation copies the following folders from C:\Program Files\Ektron\CMS400v8x to the Web root folder you specify:




uploaded files and uploaded images

a login page

the VS 2005 solution file

You can manually run the site setup by clicking the cms400sitesetup.exe file located in C:\Program Files\Ektron\CMS400v8x\Utilities\SiteSetup or by choosing Start > Programs > Ektron > CMS400vXX Utilities > CMS400 Site Setup.

10. The Setup Type screen appears. Choose an option and click Next.

CMS400 Full Installation - For setting up a new site installation.

CMS400 Upgrade - For upgrading existing site. Upgrades the database and site files as necessary.

CMS400 Database Setup - For setting up a new site database. Site files, such as .aspx pages are not included in this setup.

11. In the License Key field, enter your primary license key for Ektron CMS400.NET.

License keys are typically emailed to your organization when you request a copy of the application.

When cutting and pasting a license key, keep the full license key intact without adding or deleting characters.

If you do not have license keys now, you can insert them later. See Updating Setup Information.

12. You can select a site to install. This screen does not appear the first time you run the site setup for a starter site. If you run it again and have multiple sites, this dialog box will appear.

13. If your server operating system accommodates multiple Web sites (for example, Windows Server 2003), select the site to which you want to install Ektron CMS400.NET from the dropdown list.

Otherwise, accept the default.


14. Enter the destination folder for the site.

If your Web site resides in a folder other than the default, click Browse and navigate to that folder. The default reflects your selection in the previous dialog.

Warning! Do not install under another application’s folder within the Web root.

Important: Ektron does not support the installation of nested sites, each having its own web.config file. Nested sites can disrupt CMS features, such as Aliasing, Menus, and eSync.


15. Enter the path of the Secure Asset Location.

Warning! If you plan to load balance several servers, make sure this path is the same for all servers in the cluster. See Also: Balancing the Load on Your Servers

Note: Be sure the drive to which you install the asset library has sufficient storage space plus room for growth.

16. The Moving Files dialog appears and the following things happen.

files are copied to the site

permissions are set for the site’s directories

ASPNET, IIS_WPG, or Network Service user and IUSR are given permissions to the directories

the indexing catalogs are setup

the site is set up to use .NET 3.5

web.config settings are configured

IIS is configured

Setting up a Database

Your database contains information such as users and content blocks. The database setup program:

checks for SQL or SQL Express server. If either is installed on your server, an appropriate database is set up.

loads database tables

updates the web.config file with information about your database connection, based on your responses

17. You are asked if you want to set up a database.

Click Yes.

If you are using a separate database server, you need the following information

database server host name or IP address

if the database server is on the same domain as the application server, it must support NT or SQL authentication

if the database server is on a separate domain from the application server, it must support SQL authentication

you must have database administrator or database creator privileges

18. Enter the name of the database you are creating.

Warning! Ektron strongly urges you to change the user name and password for the builtin user.

19. Change the builtin user’s name and password. For instructions on editing the builtin account in the Workarea, see BuiltIn User.

20. This screen prompts for database connection information.

Server - List the database server on this system. To setup the database on this server, accept the default.

Otherwise, enter a SQL or SQL Express server that already exists. For SQL, this would typically be (local) if it’s installed on the local server. Otherwise, enter the Server’s name. For SQL Express enter (local)\SQLEXPRESS.


Username - Enter the username you will use to access the database.

Password - Enter the password you will use to access the database.

Note: If you want to use NT authentication, leave the username and password blank. This will set up a trusted connection.

After you complete the screen, the setup tests the database connection to verify the information is valid. If the database name already exists, you are asked to assign a different name. Once a connection is made and the name is available, the installation program creates a database using the provided information.

21. If your server has Visual Studio.NET installed, the following prompt appears.

22. If you want to install Ektron CMS400.NET’s Software Developer’s Kit (SDK), click Yes. Otherwise, click No.

If you click No, skip to The site and database setup portion of the install is complete..

See Also: Ektron’s Developer SDK.

23. Choose the type of Setup for the CMS400.NET SDK.

Click Next.

24. Click Install to begin the installation.

25. The Setup Status screen appears.

26. When the SDK install is finished, the following screen appears. Click Finish.

The site and database setup portion of the install is complete.

27. If your license key supports eCommerce, this screen appears. To learn more about PCI Compliance, see the following KB article: http://dev.ektron.com/kb_article.aspx?id=26304


28. If your license key is Enterprise-level or Professional with an eSync modifier, this screen appears.

For details on how to complete it, see Managing eSync Security Certificates.


Set Up a User for the Ektron CMS400.NET Database

The installation automatically sets up user permissions based on data collected during setup. However, if there is a problem setting permissions for the user, this section describes how to set the permissions manually.


Note: If you are using SQL Authentication, you only need to set up the SQL user. If you are using Windows Authentication, you need to set up IUSR and an ASPNET, IIS_WPG, or Network Service user. The IIS_WPG user replaces ASPNET in Microsoft Windows 2003 server and Windows Vista. The Network Service user replaces ASPNET in Microsoft Windows 2008 server and Windows 7.


Setup Screen

1. In the SQL Enterprise manager, select Security > Logins.

2. Right click and select New Login.

3. On the Login Properties dialog, click the button to the right of the Name field.

4. Select your server.

5. From the user list, select the ASPNET , IIS_WPG, or Network Service user (depending on your Windows version) and IUSR user.

6. Click Add then OK.

7. On the Database Access tab, select your Ektron CMS400.NET database. Then, assign permission to read and write to that database (as illustrated).

8. Run the grant permission script.

Note: Before doing this, review your users and their permissions. Adjust as necessary for your configuration. Also, if you use Windows Authentication and all users are domain users (and the database administrator wants it this way), you may not have to perform this step.

Follow these steps to do that.

Open the SQL Query Analyzer.

From the dropdown list, select the Ektron CMS400.NET database.


Choose File > Open.

Open C:\Program Files\Ektron\CMS400vnn\Utilities\SiteSetup\Database\cms400_permissions.sql. (nn represents the release number)

Within that file, replace [MACHINENAME or DOMAINNAME\USERNAME] with your domain name, backslash (\), and ASPNET (the ASP.NET machine account). For example, [ws10080\ASPNET].

Note: If you are using Microsoft Windows 2003 Server or Microsoft Widows Vista, the user is IIS_WPG. For example, [ws10080\IIS_WPG].
If you are using Microsoft Windows 2008 Server or Windows 7, the user is Network Service.

Click Execute Query ().

Replace the text between square brackets with your domain name, backslash (\), and the IIS Internet Guest Account. For example, [ws10080\IUSR_ws10080]. Click Execute Query ().

If using SQL server authentication, replace the text between square brackets with the SQL server authentication name only. Do not include the domain name. Click Execute Query ().

Possible Error Messages During Installation


Possible Causes and Solutions

Possible cause

Suggested solution

User does not have permission to create objects

Grant user permission to create objects. For information on how to, read IIS Security help topic “Setting NTFS Permissions for a Directory or File.”


IIS is not installed

Make sure IIS is installed on the server.

Host is not localhost

Install Ektron CMS400.NET on localhost machine only.


Cause and Solution



You installed Ektron CMS400.NET for .NET 2.0 but have the 1.1 .NET framework.

Install the .NET 2.0 framework.

Or, install the version of Ektron CMS400.NET for the 1.1 .NET framework.

Visit the Ektron Dev Center at http://dev.ektron.com 1-866 - 4 - EKTRON

Ektron CMS400.NET Reference Version 8.02 SP1 Rev 1

Ektron Documentation,© 2011 Ektron, Inc.