Ektron CMS400.Net Reference
If you would like to create a plug-in without using the Plug-in Extension Wizard or you cannot use the wizard, the following steps explain how to convert a standard DLL to an Ektron Plug-in DLL.
1. Create a DLL project skeleton via the VS Class Library wizard.
2. Add a reference to ExtensibilityBase.dll from your current project.
The default install location is: C:\Program Files\Ektron\CMS400SDK
3. Add a using statement for C# or an Imports statement for VB to incorporate the plug-in namespace.
C#: using Ektron.Cms.Extensibility;
VB: Imports Ektron.Cms.Extensibility
4. Add inheritance to your existing class from ExtensionEvent base class.
C#: public class MyStandardDllClass : ExtensionEvent
VB: Inherits ExtensionEvent
5. Hook the events you want to implement by using intellisense to choose the event. Type:
C#: public override
VB: Public Overrides
6. If the plug-in is to return a status other then True, remove the return line generated by visual studio and return your own status:
C#: return base.<Overrided_Method_Name>();
VB: Return MyBase.<Overrided_Method_Name>()
Once you have created a plug-in, you can use the Extensibility Configuration Editor to configure how the plug-in will interact with Ektron CMS400.NET. See Also:
(continued in Opening the Extensibility Configuration Editor)