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Brain Teasers


Heart Shaped Words

On the chart at left, color each square according to the clues below.

·         Two positive odd numbers that have a sum of 40 and the largest possible product.

·         The smallest square number that is the sum of two non‑zero square numbers.

·         The next five numbers in the arithmetic sequence 8, 19, 30, __, __, __, __, __.

·         The maximum possible number of givens in a standard 9 × 9 Sudoku grid that does not render a unique solution.

·         Two different odd numbers, one of whose digits are the reverse of the other, whose sum is 154.

·         The two prime numbers whose product is 4 less than 52.

·         In a normal distribution, the percent of values within one standard deviation of the mean.

·         The 43rd positive even number.

·         The first four positive multiples of 4.

·         The integer lengths of three sides of a right triangle whose area is 600 square units.

·         The value of the sum 20 + 21 + 22 + 23.

·         The value of the sum 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24.

This brainteaser was written by Patrick Vennebush.  

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