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eEx_4.1 ICON

4.1 Creating, Describing, and Analyzing Patterns

Encourage students to use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to build their own patterns or recreate one from given square arrays.
eEx_4.6.1 ICON
Data Analysis and Probability

4.6.1 Estimating Scoops

Present an estimation task and reflect on teaching decisions.
eEx_4.6.2 ICON
Data Analysis and Probability

4.6.2 Discussing Strategies

Work in groups to share ideas.
eEx_4.6.2a ICON
Data Analysis and Probability

4.6.2a Discussing Strategies Extension

Consider how this estimation activity provides an opportunity for the student with Down's Syndrome to participate.
eEx_4.6.3 ICON
Data Analysis and Probability

4.6.3 Estimating Cranberries

Estimate the number of cranberries rather than the number of scoops.
eEx_5.1.2 ICON
Number and Operations

5.1.2 The Role of the Teacher

Two video clips illustrate communication about mathematics among a teacher and her students.
eEx_5.1.3 ICON

5.1.3 Communication among Students

Use communication as a tool to deepen their understanding of mathematics.
eEx_5.1.4 ICON

5.1.4 Reflecting on Practice

The teacher reflects on her own mathematical learning.
Data Analysis and Probability

Adjustable Spinner

Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Use this tool to create a spinner to examine experimental and theoretical outcomes.
Data Analysis and Probability

Bobbie Bear

Pre-K-2, 3-5

Use counting strategies to make outfits for Bobbie Bear with different colored shirts and pants.

Click here to play Bobbie Bear in Spanish.