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Comparing Heights to Explore Linear Measurement

Pre-K-2, 3-5
Students often view linear measurement as a procedure in which a number is simply read off a ruler.  The goal of this lesson is to have students gain experience in linear measurement by using a variety of measuring instruments to measure the heights of classmates, to discover the error inherent in measurement, and to search for patterns in data that are represented on a table. In this lesson, students compare results of measuring the same height using different methods, and discuss measurement error.   They measure the heights of classmates and the heights of older students in their school, and construct a table of height and age data.  The lesson is also designed to serve as a springboard for a second lesson in which students relate measurement to algebra and data analysis concepts.
Data Analysis and Probability

Analyzing Changes in Height as a Function of Age

Pre-K-2, 3-5
A key goal for instruction on algebra at the elementary level is to analyze change, and to understand how change in one variable can relate to change in a second variable. The goal of this lesson is for students to explore how changes in students’ ages relate to changes in their heights. 
2520 icon
Number and Operations

Factor Trail Game

When students play the Factor Trail game, they have to identify the factors of a number to earn points. Built into this game is cooperative learning — students check one another's work before points are awarded. The score sheet used for this game provides a built-in assessment tool that teachers can use to check their students' understanding.

Archimedes' Puzzle

3-5, 6-8
The Stomachion is an ancient tangram-type puzzle. Believed by some to have been created by Archimedes, it consists of 14 pieces cut from a square. The pieces can be rearranged to form other interesting shapes. In this lesson, students learn about the history of the Stomachion, use the pieces to create other figures, learn about symmetry and transformations, and investigate the areas of the pieces.

Number Line Journeys

In this lesson, students generate products using a number line model. Students are encouraged to predict the products and to answer puzzles involving multiplication.

Setting the Pace

Students continue their investigation of modeling multiplication on the number line using the Distance-Speed-Time Simulation from the NCTM E-Examples.

The First Race

Again using the E-Example simulation, students will model multiplication facts on the number line and compare various representations.

Telling Racing Stories

In this lesson, students model races in which runners start from various positions. They enter numbers in a table of values, model races on a coordinate grid, and compare the results. Students begin to develop an understanding of linear relationships.

Running Races

Students generate and compare paths which model given problem situations on graphing grids.

Fish Food, More or Less


Students are introduced to the concepts of greater than, less than and equal to by observing quantities and making comparisons. Using various instructional materials such as modeling clay, buttons, beans, and cotton balls, students create amounts to compare using the open-mouthed fish. Depending which fish is chosen, the fish cut-out (with its mouth open) represents either greater than or less than. For equivalent amounts, a clam cut-out represents equal to.

This introductory lesson can be assessed through visual observation and verbal questioning. A group size of 3 – 6 students per group is optimal.