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Mobile Apps

Please note: The platform-specific mobile apps that were available on this page have been discontinued. We have provided the web-based versions of these apps for your reference. These apps are not actively maintained and may not work on every platform.

(Web Version) 

The rules are simple: Place numbers into each cell of the grid's "cages" to create true mathematical statements. But watch out; each cage has to be completed without repeating a number in any row or column! Can you become skilled enough to unlock the bonus No-Op puzzles? Try it and find out.

OktaPiFight ICON MobileOkta Pi Fight

(Web Version) 

Pi Fight is designed to help students become comfortable with using both radians and degrees. Choose between radians, degrees, or a combination of both to hit Okta, the octopus.

PickAPath ICON MobilePick-a-Path

  (Web Version) 

Help Okta reach the target by choosing a path from the top of the maze to the bottom. Seven levels with seven puzzles will test your skills with powers of ten, negative numbers, fractions, decimals, and more. How many starfish can you earn?

DeepSeaDuel ICON MobileDeep Sea Duel

(Web Version) 

Okta challenges you to a duel! Collect numbers with a specified sum, and you win! But you better do it before Okta does! Choose the number of numbers, players, complexity, and language.

oktasrescueOkta's Rescue

(Web Version)

Oh, no! Okta and his friends need help. Help rescue them by transporting them to a safe ocean. How fast can you transport the Oktas? Use your counting skills to save as many as you can before the timer runs out.

EquivalentFractions ICON MobileEquivalent Fractions

(Web Version) 

Create equivalent fractions by dividing and shading squares or circles, and match each fraction to its location on the number line. Check your work, and use the table feature to capture results and look for patterns. Got a particular value for which you’d like to make equivalent fractions? Use “Build Your Own” mode.

Apps Optimized for Your Desktop and Tablet

Listed alphabetically in each section. 


Pre-K – Grade 2   Grades 3 – 5   Grades 6 – 8   Grades 9 – 12  
Pre-K – Grade 2  

/uploadedImages/Content/Activities/AdjustableSpinner.jpgAdjustable Spinner 

Pre-K – Grade 12 

Create a spinner to examine experimental and theoretical outcomes.
BobbieBearBobbie Bear 

Bobbie Bear – Spanish 

Pre-K – Grade 5 

Use counting strategies to make outfits with different colored shirts and pants.
CoinBoxCoin Box 

Pre-K – Grade 5 

Manipulate coins using an array representation.


Pre-K – Grade 5 

Play a matching game with different representations of equivalent items.

eEx_4.1 ICONCreating, Describing, and Analyzing Patterns 

Pre-K – Grade 2 

Build patterns or recreate one from given square arrays.

DynamicPaperDynamic Paper 

Pre-K – Grade 12 

Create customized activity sheets for your classroom.

FiveFrameFive Frame 

Pre-K – Grade 2 

Practice counting and adding by 5's.

Geometric Solids GeometricSolids ICON 

Pre-K – Grade 12 

Manipulate various geometric solids and investigate their properties.

GroupingAndGrazing ICONGrouping and Grazing 

Pre-K – Grade 2 

Count, add, and subtract by grouping cows.

OktasRescueOkta's Rescue 

Pre-K – Grade 2 

Count and subitize by playing a game.

PatchTool ICONPatch Tool 

Pre-K – Grade 5 

Design a pattern using geometric shapes.

ShapeTool ICONShape Tool 

Pre-K – Grade 8 

Draw, color, paste, slice, rotate, reflect, expand, and contract various shapes.

TenFrameTen Frame 

Pre-K – Grade 2 

Practice counting and adding by 10's.
Grades 3 – 5   

/uploadedImages/Content/Activities/AdjustableSpinner.jpgAdjustable Spinner 

Pre-K – Grade 12 

Create a spinner to examine experimental and theoretical outcomes.
BobbieBearBobbie Bear 

Bobbie Bear – Spanish 

Pre-K – Grade 5 

Use counting strategies to make outfits with different colored shirts and pants.
CoinBoxCoin Box 

Pre-K – Grade 5 

Manipulate coins using an array representation.


Pre-K – Grade 5 

Play a matching game with different representations of equivalent items.

CubeNets ICONCube Nets 

Grades 3–8 

Examine various two-dimensional figures to determine which ones can be folded into a cube.

Cubes ICONCubes 

Grades 3–5 

Determine the volume of a box by filling it with cubes, rows of cubes, or layers of cubes. Also, determine the surface area by using the box's net.

DynamicPaperDynamic Paper 

Pre-K – Grade 12 

Create customized activity sheets for your classroom.

FactorGameFactor Game 

Grades 3–8 

Exercise your factoring ability against a human or the computer.

FractionGame ICONFraction Game 

Grades 3–8 

Explore relationships among fractions while playing an interactive game.

Geometric Solids GeometricSolids ICON 

Pre-K – Grade 12 

Manipulate various geometric solids and investigate their properties.

IsometricDrawingTool ICONIsometric Drawing Tool 

Grades 3–12 

Create dynamic drawings on an isometric dot grid.

PanBalanceExpressionsPan Balance – Expressions 

Grades 3–12 

Investigate the concept of equivalence by "weighing" numeric and algebraic expressions.

PanBalanceNumbersPan Balance – Numbers 

Grades 3–8 

Find equivalent numerical expressions using a balance scale.

PanBalanceShapesPan Balance – Shapes 

Grades 3–8 

Explore relationships among the weights of various objects by placing them on either side of a balance.

PatchTool ICONPatch Tool 

Pre-K – Grade 5 

Design a pattern using geometric shapes.

ProductGameProduct Game 

Grades 3–8 

Exercise factor and multiples skills.

ShapeTool ICONShape Tool 

Pre-K – Grade 8 

Draw, color, paste, slice, rotate, reflect, expand, and contract various shapes.

TessellationCreator ICONTessellation Creator 

Grades 3–8 

Create patterns to cover the screen using regular polygons.

Grades 6 – 8  

/uploadedImages/Content/Activities/AdjustableSpinner.jpgAdjustable Spinner 

Pre-K – Grade 12 

Create a spinner to examine experimental and theoretical outcomes.

AlgebraTilesAlgebra Tiles 

Grades 6–12 

Manipulate algebra tiles to solve equations, substitute in expressions, and expand and factor.

CubeNets ICONCube Nets 

Grades 3–8 

Examine various two-dimensional figures to determine which ones can be folded into a cube.

DynamicPaperDynamic Paper 

Pre-K – Grade 12 

Create customized activity sheets for your classroom.

FractionModels ICONFraction Models 

Grades 6–8 

Explore several different representations for fractions.

FactorGameFactor Game 

Grades 3–8 

Exercise your factoring ability against a human or the computer.

Factorize ICONFactorize 

Grades 6–8 

Divide numbers into two factors and build arrays to represent each factorization.

FractionGame ICONFraction Game 

Grades 3–8 

Explore relationships among fractions while playing an interactive game.

Geometric Solids GeometricSolids ICON 

Pre-K – Grade 12 

Manipulate various geometric solids and investigate their properties.

IsometricDrawingTool ICONIsometric Drawing Tool 

Grades 3–12 

Create dynamic drawings on an isometric dot grid.

LineOfBestFit ICONLine of Best Fit 

Grades 6–12 

Plot a set of data and determine a line of best fit.

PanBalanceExpressionsPan Balance – Expressions 

Grades 3–12 

Investigate the concept of equivalence by "weighing" numeric and algebraic expressions.

PanBalanceNumbersPan Balance – Numbers 

Grades 3–8 

Find equivalent numerical expressions using a balance scale.

PanBalanceShapesPan Balance – Shapes 

Grades 3–8 

Explore relationships among the weights of various objects by placing them on either side of a balance.

ProductGameProduct Game 

Grades 3–8 

Exercise factor and multiples skills.

ShapeTool ICONShape Tool 

Pre-K – Grade 8 

Draw, color, paste, slice, rotate, reflect, expand, and contract various shapes.

TessellationCreator ICONTessellation Creator 

Grades 3–8 

Create patterns to cover the screen using regular polygons.

Grades 9 – 12 

/uploadedImages/Content/Activities/AdjustableSpinner.jpgAdjustable Spinner 

Pre-K – Grade 12 

Create a spinner to examine experimental and theoretical outcomes.

AlgebraTilesAlgebra Tiles 

Grades 6–12 

Manipulate algebra tiles to solve equations, substitute in expressions, and expand and factor.

DynamicPaperDynamic Paper 

Pre-K – Grade 12 

Create customized activity sheets for your classroom.

Geometric Solids GeometricSolids ICON 

Pre-K – Grade 12 

Manipulate various geometric solids and investigate their properties.

IsometricDrawingTool ICONIsometric Drawing Tool 

Grades 3–12 

Create dynamic drawings on an isometric dot grid.

LineOfBestFit ICONLine of Best Fit 

Grades 6–12 

Plot a set of data and determine a line of best fit.

PanBalanceExpressionsPan Balance – Expressions 

Grades 3–12 

Investigate the concept of equivalence by "weighing" numeric and algebraic expressions.

TrigonometricGraphing ICONTrigonometric Graphing 

Grades 9–12 

Explore the amplitude, period, and phase shift of various trigonometric functions.