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Data Analysis and Probability

Healthy Eating

Students collect data about classmates' healthy food knowledge. They create bar graphs, pose and answer questions about the data by looking at the graphs, and find the range and mode.
Data Analysis and Probability

What Is Your Favorite?

Students make human bar graphs and circle graphs, then draw them on paper and use a Web site to generate them. Posing and answering questions using the graphs will give the students an opportunity to apply their problem-solving and communication skills. They will also find the mode for a set of data.
Data Analysis and Probability

Let's Compare

Students collect numerical data, generate graphs, and compare two data sets. They also find the mean, mode, median, and range of the data sets. Students communicate with each other and the teacher and practice their problem-solving skills.
Data Analysis and Probability

Alphabet Soup

In this lesson, students construct box-and-whisker plots. Students use the box-and-whisker plots to identify the mean, mode, median, and range of the data set. Representation is the major focus of this lesson.
Data Analysis and Probability

Glyphs for All Reasons

Students learn a powerful way to display data, the glyph. Representation, communication, and problem solving are important parts of this lesson.
Data Analysis and Probability

Planning a Class Field Trip

This lesson focuses students’ attention on the variables used in planning trips. It captures students’ interest, provides a review of the primary unit objectives, and assesses students’ prior knowledge. This experience enables students to consider the variables that must be accounted for in planning a class field trip.
Data Analysis and Probability

Presenting the Plan for a Class Trip

During this segment, student groups present the plans they developed in the previous lesson. This provides the teacher an opportunity to review students’ attainment of the primary unit objectives and to assess students’ current knowledge and skill level. This experience focuses students’ attention on the mathematics needed in planning a short trip. It builds towards the application of these understandings and skills in the remaining segments of the unit.
Data Analysis and Probability

Planning a Class Trip to a Local Attraction

This lesson builds on the previous lessons and encourages the students to work in groups and apply their knowledge about a trip in a new context. In this lesson, students plan a trip to a local attraction such as a museum, a site of historical or scientific significance, or business. They research times the attraction is open, its distance from the school and prepare a schedule which is displayed to inform as they solve an open-ended problem involving distance and time. This experience focuses students’ attention on the mathematics needed in planning a trip and allows them to apply these understandings and skills in a
group-selected context.
Data Analysis and Probability

Planning a Trip to the State Capitol

During this lesson, student groups will plan a trip to the state capitol (either overnight or a day trip, depending upon location.) Using the skills they developed in the previous lessons, students determine not only elapsed time and distance, but extend their problem solving to figuring meals and lodging costs. As students tackle this more complex task, teachers have opportunity to observe students’ growing competence. These include which variables students attend to, if students can find distances from a map, if students can find elapsed time, or if students can use elapsed time to plan a schedule.
Data Analysis and Probability

Planning a Trip to Disneyland or Disney World


Using the Web site, student groups collect data to plan a trip to Disneyland or Disney World. [You may wish to substitute some other destination of high interest for your students.] In lesson 6 students plan the trip using data collected in this lesson. Depending upon your location, this may be an overnight trip or a day trip. Using skills they developed in the previous lessons, students determine not only elapsed time and distance, but extend their problem solving to figuring meals, lodging, and air travel.

As students tackle this more complex task, teachers have opportunity to observe students’ growing competence with methods and tools for computation, estimation, problem posing and solving, interpretation of graphical representations, measuring with standard units, and responding to investigations that require the comparison of data sets. This lesson is designed to take approximately 45 minutes but time will vary according to the needs and abilities of your students.