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Data Analysis and Probability

Sticks and Stones

3-5, 6-8
Students will play Sticks and Stones, a game based on the Apache game "Throw Sticks," which was played at multi-nation celebrations. Students will collect data, investigate the likelihood of various moves, and use basic ideas of expected value to determine the average number of turns needed to win a game.

Pedal Power

In this lesson, students investigate slope as a rate of change. Students compare, contrast, and make conjectures based on distance-time graphs for three bicyclists climbing to the top of a mountain. 

Caesar Cipher

In this lesson, students will investigate the Caesar substitution cipher. Text will be encoded and decoded using inverse operations.

Sizing Up

Students will use measurement to investigate where clothing sizes come from, and to explore how sizes differ between companies and countries.

Exploring Measurement, Sequences, and Curves with Stringed Instruments

Students will measure lengths on stringed musical instruments, and discuss how the placement of frets on a fretted instrument is determined by a geometric sequence.



In the second lesson of this unit, students will use their discoveries from the first lesson to place frets on a fretless instrument. They will then compare geometric sequences with exponential functions.
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Data Analysis and Probability

Learn the Game

In the following lessons of this unit, students will have an opportunity to fully explore the patterns that result from the Paper Pool game. In this lesson, however, students will only spend time learning the rules, playing the game, and collecting data.
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Data Analysis and Probability

How Many Hits?

Students will continue their investigation of the Paper Pool game by exploring more tables and organizing the results. Using the data that they collect, they will attempt to find a relationship between the size of the table, the number of hits that occur, and the pocket in which the ball lands.
Data Analysis and Probability

Wrapping It Up

In the first four lessons of this unit, students investigated the Paper Pool game, collected data, identified patterns, and made predictions about the number of hits, the pocket in which the ball lands, and the path of travel. In this lesson, students finalize their work and write a report that summarizes all of their findings.
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Data Analysis and Probability

Which Pocket?

In this lesson, students continue their investigation by discovering a rule to predict the pocket in which the ball will land. As an extension, students can also consider the number of squares that a ball crosses while traversing its path.