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Makeshift Measurements

There are many common objects that come in standard sizes. Students will verify measurements for some of these objects, use these objects to determine the size or spacing of other objects, and suggest additional objects that can be included in the class’ list of "makeshift measures."

Square Circles

This lesson allows students to use a variety of units when measuring the side length and perimeter of squares and the diameter and circumference of circles. From these measurements, students will discover the constant ratio of 1:4 for all squares and the ratio of approximately 1:3.14 for all circles.
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Escape from the Tomb

Students are presented with a problem: two bowls are suspended from the ceiling by springs. One bowl is lower than the other. In one bowl, you can only place marbles; in the other bowl, you can only place bingo chips. How many items must be placed in each bowl so that the heights of the bowls are the same?

Power of Points

In many curricula, the Power of Points theorem is often taught as three separate theorems: the Chord-Chord Power theorem, the Secant-Secant Power theorem, and the Tangent-Secant Power theorem. Using a dynamic geometry applet, students will discover that these three theorems are related applications of the Power of Point theorem. They also use their discoveries to solve numerical problems.

Comparing Heights to Explore Linear Measurement

Pre-K-2, 3-5
Students often view linear measurement as a procedure in which a number is simply read off a ruler.  The goal of this lesson is to have students gain experience in linear measurement by using a variety of measuring instruments to measure the heights of classmates, to discover the error inherent in measurement, and to search for patterns in data that are represented on a table. In this lesson, students compare results of measuring the same height using different methods, and discuss measurement error.   They measure the heights of classmates and the heights of older students in their school, and construct a table of height and age data.  The lesson is also designed to serve as a springboard for a second lesson in which students relate measurement to algebra and data analysis concepts.
Data Analysis and Probability

Analyzing Changes in Height as a Function of Age

Pre-K-2, 3-5
A key goal for instruction on algebra at the elementary level is to analyze change, and to understand how change in one variable can relate to change in a second variable. The goal of this lesson is for students to explore how changes in students’ ages relate to changes in their heights. 

Law of Sines

In this lesson, students will use right triangle trigonometry to develop the law of sines.
LawOfCosines ICON

Law of Cosines

In this lesson, students use right triangle trigonometry and the Pythagorean theorem to develop the law of cosines.
Number and Operations

Optimal Strategies

In static nim, the set of possible move sizes remains the same during the play of the game. In various versions of dynamic nim, the rules are such that the maximum number of counters that can be removed on each turn changes as the game is played. This maximum can depend on the current size of the pile, the number of counters removed on the previous play, or the move number of the game. In this lesson, students will explore the second type, where each move determines the maximum move size of the next move.
Number and Operations

Space Shuttle

Students consider the amount of time that space travelers must spend on their journey. Students improve their concept of time and distance, while at the same time learn more about the solar system.