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Distributing and Factoring Using Area

In this lesson, expressions representing area of a rectangle are used to enhance understanding of the distributive property.  The concept of area of a rectangle can provide a visual tool for students to factor monomials from expressions.

Dividing a Town into Pizza Delivery Regions


Students will construct perpendicular bisectors, find circumcenters, calculate area, and use proportions to explore the following problem:

You are the owner of five pizzerias in the town of Squaresville. To ensure minimal delivery times, you devise a system in which customers call a central phone number and get transferred to the pizzeria that is closest to them. How should you divide the town into five regions so that every house receives delivery from the closest pizzeria? Also, how many people should staff each location based on coverage area?

Exploring Equations

 In this lesson, students use their knowledge of weights and balance, symbolic expressions, and representations of functions to link all three concepts.

More Trains

6-8, 9-12
In this lesson, students will use Cuisenaire Rods to build trains of different lengths and investigate patterns.  Students will use tables to create graphs, define recursive functions, and approximate exponential formulas to describe the patterns. 

Recursive and Exponential Rules

6-8, 9-12
In this lesson make connections between exponential functions and recursive rules.  Students will use tables to create graphs, define recursive rules and find exponential formulas.
Data Analysis and Probability

Road Trip!

Students will plan a road trip, starting in Cleveland, to visit friends in Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, and Boston. However, with the price of gas over $3.00 a gallon, they will figure out the shortest travel route to save on expenses. This lesson investigates three different methods to determine the shortest route: the Nearest Neighbor method, the Cheapest Link method, and the Brute Force method.

Data Analysis and Probability

Grandma's Button Box

In this lesson, students have opportunities to identify properties and to sort, classify, organize, and display data. They solve problems and make, explain, and defend conjectures. They extend their knowledge by making generalizations and consolidating their thinking.
AlikeAndDifferent ICON
Data Analysis and Probability

Alike and Different

This lesson focuses on the observation of properties and the classification of objects to build ideas about variables. Students compare objects to identify similarities and differences. In addition, students are introduced to Venn Diagrams.
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Data Analysis and Probability

Naming Rows and Columns

In this lesson, the teacher models how to organize data and use the vocabulary associated with collecting, organizing, and displaying data. Students learn the difference between rows and columns, how to label and select a title for graphs, and what comparative terms to use to describe relationships between and among the various sets of buttons.
ShowAndTell ICON
Data Analysis and Probability

Show and Tell

This lesson allows students to describe their graphs using appropriate vocabulary and to develop skills in posing and responding to questions about their graphs. Students also demonstrate an understanding of how to organize and interpret data. In addition, this lesson helps students move from the concrete through pictorial to abstract representations of displays of data, namely a graph.