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Data Analysis and Probability

Making a Baseball Lineup: Using Baseball Statistics to Create a Baseball Game Simulation

In this activity students will analyze data and select fictional baseball players based on player statistics. They will apply concepts of probability to choose the order of batters on their team. After creating a spinner for each player to represent the statistics, they use the spinners to play a simulated baseball game.

Bean Salad: Using Algebraic Reasoning to Determine Quantities of Ingredients

In this lesson, students use operations of whole numbers and/or fractions to determine the precise numbers of three types of dried beans needed to make salads. The use of manipulatives and partner activities provide differentiation and support learning for students of varying abilities.

Scaling the City: Ground Truthing the Size of SimCity Objects

Photographs, blueprints, models, and computer renderings may serve as virtual representations of real cities. But how accurately do they represent their real counterparts? In this lesson, students examine a computer representation of a city and compare the sizes of its features with the sizes of analogous features in a real city. 

Magical Magic Squares: Constructing Simple Magic Squares in Odd-Numbered Square Arrays

Pre-K-2, 3-5
In this lesson, students will use operations to discover patterns with integers in magic squares. They will apply what they have learned when building their own magic squares.

Walking to Class: Modeling Students' Class Schedules with Time-Distance Graphs

Students use their class schedules to create time-distance graphs by counting the number of walking strides they take from their lockers and timing themselves as they walk through their class schedules. They will use their graphs to answer questions about slope, x- and y-intercepts, and the meaning of horizontal and vertical lines. 

Perimeter Exploration: Exploring How the Perimeter of a Polygon Can Change While Its Area Remains Constant

In this lesson, students explore the relationship between perimeter and area. Students use pattern blocks to build polygons to explore how the perimeter can be different for two or more polygons with the same area.  

Mouse=Mouse: Using a Book to Explore Variable and Equality

In the book Balancing Act by Ellen Stoll Walsh, two mice find a teeter-totter and have a fun time balancing each other. When more animal friends come along to join them, they find their teeter-totter unbalanced. This hands-on lesson uses the book as an introduction to the concept that both sides of an equation need to be equal and balanced in order to use the "equal to" symbol; otherwise the "not equal to" symbol must be used. In addition, students use pictures and symbolic letters to represent variables in an equation.

Odd Man Out: Identifying Sums of Numbers as Odd or Even

Pre-K-2, 3-5
In this lesson, students use a visual model using snap cubes or grid paper to build numbers in two columns to show whether they are odd or even. They then use the models to generalize about sums of odd and even numbers.

Polygons, Perimeter, and Patterns: Discovering the Algebra in Perimeter Patterns

In this lesson, students use pattern blocks to create polygon "chains" and calculate the perimeter of the trains as they get longer. The students will recognize and create patterns based on adding the same shape repeatedly to the train. The students then write algebraic expressions to describe the patterns.

Princess Dido and the Ox Skin: Investigating Maximizing Area Using a Literature-Based Model

6-8, 9-12
This lesson is based upon a story from Virgil's Aeneid. Students work in groups to investigate maximizing area with a fixed length of rope. They investigate which figure results in the greatest area by real-life experimentation as well algebraically. Students gain an understanding of quadratic functions, the isoperimetric principle, and parabolas.