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Data Analysis and Probability

The Beat of Your Heart


Emphasize the connections between science and mathematics by using a performance (or authentic) assessment format.


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Data Analysis and Probability

Sickle Cell Anemia Inheritance

6-8, 9-12
In this lesson, students explore the concept of genetics and inheritance. The lesson focuses on sickle cell anemia, a genetic disease that is dependent on a recessive trait. Students will perform data collection and analysis of the probability of a child of two sickle trait parents inheriting sickle cell anemia. To do this, they play a game that models how the inheritance of a disease works from parents’ genes. Later, students construct family trees with probability to determine the genotypes of family members.
Data Analysis and Probability

The Centroid and the Regression Line

Interactive computer-based tools provide students with the opportunity to easily investigate the relationship between a set of data points and a curve used to fit the data points. As students work with bivariate data in grades 9-12, they will be able to investigate relationships between the variables using linear, exponential, power, logarithmic, and other functions for curve fitting. Using interactive tools like the one below, students can investigate the properties of regression lines and correlation.
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Data Analysis and Probability

Correlation and the Regression Line

Interactive computer-based tools provide students with the opportunity to easily investigate the relationship between a set of data points and a curve used to fit the data points. As students work with bivariate data in grades 9-12, they will be able to investigate relationships between the variables using linear, exponential, power, logarithmic, and other functions for curve fitting. Using interactive tools like the one below, students can investigate the properties of regression lines and correlation.
Data Analysis and Probability

The Regression Line

Interactive computer-based tools provide students with the opportunity to easily investigate the relationship between a set of data points and a curve used to fit the data points. As students work with bivariate data in grades 9-12, they will be able to investigate relationships between the variables using linear, exponential, power, logarithmic, and other functions for curve fitting. Using interactive tools like the one below, students can investigate the properties of regression lines and correlation.
Data Analysis and Probability

The Effects of Outliers

Interactive computer-based tools provide students with the opportunity to easily investigate the relationship between a set of data points and a curve used to fit the data points. As students work with bivariate data in grades 9-12, they will be able to investigate relationships between the variables using. Using interactive tools like the one below, students can investigate the properties of regression lines and correlation.

Get the Turtle to the Pond

This activity provides opportunities for creative problem solving while encouraging young students to estimate length and angle measure. Using the Turtle Pond Applet, students enter a sequence of commands to help the turtle get to the pond. Children can write their own solutions using LOGO commands and input them into the computer. The turtle will then move and leave a trail or path according to the instructions given.

Do You Notice Sum-Thing?

6-8, 9-12
This lesson invites students to investigate the patterns when a "plus sign" (a cross-shaped arrangement of five squares) is placed on the board in various locations. Students will conjecture about the pattern of the five displayed numbers, the sum of the five numbers, and any other patterns that they notice. Students may also explore similar patterns when other shapes, such as a 2 × 1 rectangle, are placed on the hundreds board.
Data Analysis and Probability

Making Your First Million

3-5, 6-8
In this activity for grades 4-6, students attempt to identify the concept of a million by working with smaller numerical units, such as blocks of 10 or 100, and then expanding the idea by multiplication or repeated addition until a million is reached. Additionally, they use critical thinking to analyze situations and to identify mathematical patterns that will enable them to develop the concept of very large numbers.
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Oil Oil Everywhere

Oil spills are in the news. To make real-world connections, this lesson provides hands-on experiences with mixing oil and water, provides surface area information about the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and gives students opportunities to estimate small oil spills of their own making.