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Data Analysis and Probability

Grandma's Button Box

In this lesson, students have opportunities to identify properties and to sort, classify, organize, and display data. They solve problems and make, explain, and defend conjectures. They extend their knowledge by making generalizations and consolidating their thinking.
AlikeAndDifferent ICON
Data Analysis and Probability

Alike and Different

This lesson focuses on the observation of properties and the classification of objects to build ideas about variables. Students compare objects to identify similarities and differences. In addition, students are introduced to Venn Diagrams.
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Data Analysis and Probability

Naming Rows and Columns

In this lesson, the teacher models how to organize data and use the vocabulary associated with collecting, organizing, and displaying data. Students learn the difference between rows and columns, how to label and select a title for graphs, and what comparative terms to use to describe relationships between and among the various sets of buttons.
ShowAndTell ICON
Data Analysis and Probability

Show and Tell

This lesson allows students to describe their graphs using appropriate vocabulary and to develop skills in posing and responding to questions about their graphs. Students also demonstrate an understanding of how to organize and interpret data. In addition, this lesson helps students move from the concrete through pictorial to abstract representations of displays of data, namely a graph.

Extending to Symbols

In this investigation, students learn about the notion of equivalence in concrete and numerical settings. As students begin to use symbolic representations, they use variables as place holders or unknowns. This investigation illustrates the continued transition from the concrete balance view of equivalence to a more abstract view.  

My Pet

In this lesson, students develop and use spatial relationships and spatial memory by creating a map of a pet. The students use visual and spatial skills, measure with nonstandard units, and describe "trips" around their pet using directional and positional words.

Puzzling Relationships


Puzzles provide excellent opportunities for students to apply spatial relationships in an entertaining and meaningful way. In the first part of this lesson, the students use concrete materials to develop the skills needed to work with interactive tangram puzzles in the second part of the lesson. The students also further develop their understanding of spatial relationships and develop problem-solving skills.

Once students complete puzzles using concrete materials, introducing them to virtual puzzles enables them to experience turns, rotations, slides, and spatial relationships in a powerful way. These transformations are more apparent in a virtual environment than when using concrete tools.


Measuring Me

Students use yarn to measure lengths such as arm span and height. This gives the students practice measuring with nonstandard units. Pairs of students also compare their height and arm spans. They practice problem-solving and reasoning skills by discussing why there are similarities and differences between the lengths of yarn that represent arm spans and height.
PredictingYourFinancialFuture ICON

Predicting Your Financial Future

Students often ask, “When are we ever going to use this?” Compound interest is a topic that provides an inherent answer to this question. In this activity, students use their knowledge of exponents to compute an investment’s worth using a formula and a compound interest simulator. Students also use the simulator to analyze credit card payments and debt.

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Area Contractor

This lesson gives students the opportunity to explore surface area in the same way that a contractor might when providing an estimate to a potential customer. Once the customer accepts the estimate, a more detailed measurement is taken and a quote prepared. In this lesson, students use estimation to determine the surface area of the walls and floor of their classroom. They check the reasonableness of their estimates, and then measure the classroom for accuracy.