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Number and Operations

Building a Business

In the first lesson (of two), students start a business from the ground up! Students collaborate to develop a product and are given a $1000 budget in which to start their business. Students participate in a live auction of real estate locations within the classroom, determine the wholesale prices of various products, and work together to develop an advertising campaign all to prepare for the big day- selling day!
Number and Operations

Frogs on a Log

Students learn their first basic addition facts as they make the connection between counting and finding one more than a number. Students will manipulate frogs on a number line to represent adding 1 to a number.
Number and Operations

Savvy Sellers and Spenders

This second lesson places students in the shoes of a real business owner. Students have chosen the products they want to sell, rented locations, and prepared advertising; now they get to experience the thrill of the sell as they spend their $200 on stores' merchandise(s). Students experience real-world applications of adding and subtracting decimals while learning what it means to be a smart consumer.
Number and Operations

How Many Letters Are in Your Name?

Students review numbers 1 to 10 by counting the number of letters in their names and their classmates' names. They also write and order numbers. The class compiles students' finished product in a class book.
Number and Operations

Spiders Have 8 Legs

Students represent number eight in writing and with a variety of manipulatives. They will construct sets of 8 by cutting 8 strips of paper and counting 8 pretzel sticks that represent spider legs. They will also use 8 plastic spiders to show 8 with a ten frame and count on from a given number to make 8.

Squares are Special Rectangles

Students compare and sort rectangles and special rectangles called squares learning to distinguish between the two using their attributes. They will use manipulatives to form squares and rectangles. They will also identify and take pictures of squares and rectangles around school and make a class book.
Number and Operations

Factor Findings

In this lesson, students first create factor posters for a variety of different numbers that will be displayed in the classroom to be utilized as a resource throughout the school year. They make discoveries about factors using color tiles, represent their discoveries using graph paper, and display their information on poster board as find factors of an assigned number.

We're Going on a Length Measurement Hunt

Go on an exciting measurement hunt around the classroom in search of items that are longer than, shorter than, and the same size as their piece of yarn. Pairs of students compare the length of their piece of yarn to objects around the classroom. They find and record at least one object that is longer than, one that is shorter than, and one that is the same size as their piece of yarn.

Primary Economics

In this lesson, students will play the role of a consumer as they learn how to use different combinations of coins to make money amounts up to 25 cents. Students will earn money and save it in their piggy banks until they have the exact amount to purchase an item of their choice.

Seeing Double

In this lesson, students encounter the magical effect of reflection as they use a mirror to visually experience the concept of doubling quantities. This experience focuses student’s attention to using doubles as a strategy to make number operations easier, specifically addition. Literature is used as an introduction to provide a connection and motivation, a game is used for discovery and practice, and writing is used as closure to this lesson.