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EggCartonDesigns ICON
Number and Operations

Egg Carton Designs: Constructing Arrays to Begin a Study of Multiplication

In this lesson, students are presented with a design challenge: a company that produces egg cartons wants to create a package for 24 eggs. The company wants to know all of the possible ways to arrange 24 eggs into rectangular packages. Students work together to find the arrays and respond to the egg company.  

Steps and Slopes: Measuring the Rise and Run of Steps to Calculate Slope

This lesson explores the concept of slope through a student-centered problem of data collection and evaluation. Students guess which of several flights of stairs is steepest, and then use measures of slope to test their hypothesis.
Number and Operations

How Many Each? How Many Left?: Conceptualizing Division with Large Numbers

Division is one of the most difficult operations for students to master, in part, because there are many steps to keep track of and students often do not understand the mathematical reasoning behind each step. In this lesson, students will apply the strategies behind division, and learn how those strategies can be translated into mathematical steps.

Making Tens: Finding Addends That Sum to Ten

In this lesson, students use 2 colors of snapping cubes and other manipulatives to model addend pairs for the number 10. They explore the different addend pairs, and play a game to apply their understanding.
Data Analysis and Probability

Rainforest Deforestation- Problem or Myth?

This lesson allows students to explore the idea that rainforest deforestation is occurring at an exponential rate. Students will use provided research about Amazon deforestation and conduct their own research to determine whether deforestation is occurring exponentially.
Data Analysis and Probability

Making a Baseball Lineup: Using Baseball Statistics to Create a Baseball Game Simulation

In this activity students will analyze data and select fictional baseball players based on player statistics. They will apply concepts of probability to choose the order of batters on their team. After creating a spinner for each player to represent the statistics, they use the spinners to play a simulated baseball game.

Bean Salad: Using Algebraic Reasoning to Determine Quantities of Ingredients

In this lesson, students use operations of whole numbers and/or fractions to determine the precise numbers of three types of dried beans needed to make salads. The use of manipulatives and partner activities provide differentiation and support learning for students of varying abilities.

Scaling the City: Ground Truthing the Size of SimCity Objects

Photographs, blueprints, models, and computer renderings may serve as virtual representations of real cities. But how accurately do they represent their real counterparts? In this lesson, students examine a computer representation of a city and compare the sizes of its features with the sizes of analogous features in a real city. 

Magical Magic Squares: Constructing Simple Magic Squares in Odd-Numbered Square Arrays

Pre-K-2, 3-5
In this lesson, students will use operations to discover patterns with integers in magic squares. They will apply what they have learned when building their own magic squares.

Walking to Class: Modeling Students' Class Schedules with Time-Distance Graphs

Students use their class schedules to create time-distance graphs by counting the number of walking strides they take from their lockers and timing themselves as they walk through their class schedules. They will use their graphs to answer questions about slope, x- and y-intercepts, and the meaning of horizontal and vertical lines.