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AdjacentCircles ICON
Data Analysis and Probability

Adjacent Circles

In this grades 6‑8 lesson, students are encouraged to discover all of the combinations for a given situation. They use problem-solving skills (including elimination and collection of organized data) to draw conclusions. The use of higher-level thinking skills (synthesis, analysis, and evaluations) is the overall goal.

Analyzing Numeric and Geometric Patterns of Paper Pool

This mathematics excursion is based on the Paper Pool Project from the Comparing and Scaling unit of the Connected Mathematics Project, G. Lappan, J. Fey, W Fitzgerald, S. Friel and E. Phillips, Dale Seymour Publications, (1998), Paper Pool Project, pp.106-111.

Analyzing the Data


In the third lesson, students identify a function that models the data. An interactive graphing tool can be used to determine a function that fits the data points.

Number and Operations

Create an Address Number

This lesson focuses on forming 3-digit address numbers to meet specific requirements. Careful reading of information and understanding of mathematical language are important to finding appropriate solutions. Using the problem-solving strategies of looking for patterns and establishing an organized list will aid students in finding all the possible solution sets.
Number and Operations

Deep Sea Duel

3-5, 6-8
Using the online game Deep Sea Duel, students play a card game against Okta. The objective is to choose cards so that some subset of three cards within their hand has a particular sum. Students will play several variations of the game, attempt to identify a winning strategy, and compare the game to other games that they know. 

Do You Notice Sum-Thing?

6-8, 9-12
This lesson invites students to investigate the patterns when a "plus sign" (a cross-shaped arrangement of five squares) is placed on the board in various locations. Students will conjecture about the pattern of the five displayed numbers, the sum of the five numbers, and any other patterns that they notice. Students may also explore similar patterns when other shapes, such as a 2 × 1 rectangle, are placed on the hundreds board.

Don't Freeze the Engine

In this lesson, students will learn to read an antifreeze chart to determine the necessary mix of antifreeze and water for protection against various temperatures. Students will then numerically analyze a particular cooling system to determine how much fluid to drain in order to get the desired percent concentration of antifreeze. Finally, students will set up a system of equations to solve the same system.
Number and Operations

Elevator Arithmetic

6-8, 9-12

Students will use vertical movement of an elevator to evaluate signed number expressions.

The idea behind the method of adding and subtracting signed integers offered in this lesson and the next is that the number of rules that students have to memorize and the amount of understanding are minimal, while the underlying concepts are not trivialized.

Data Analysis and Probability

Explore More Tables

The interactive paper pool game in this i-Math investigation provides an opportunity for students to further develop their understanding of ratio, proportion, and least common multiple.

Exploring Diagonals and the Pythagorean Theorem

Students further explore square roots using the diagonals of rectangles. Using measurement, students will discover a method for finding the diagonal of any rectangle when the length and width are known, which leads to the Pythagorean Theorem.