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Junior Architects


Learn the major concepts such as using basic linear measurement, understanding and creating scale representations, and exploring perimeter and area measurement. 

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Law of Sines and Law of Cosines


Learn the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines and determine when each can be used to find a side length or angle of a triangle.


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Number and Operations

Learn about Properties of Vectors and Vector Sums Using Dynamic Software

Develop an understanding of vectors and their properties.
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Data Analysis and Probability

Least Squares Regression

Develop skills in connecting, communicating, reasoning, and problem solving as well as representing fundamental ideas about data.
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Number and Operations

Let's Count to 10

Make groups of zero to 10 objects, connect number names to the groups, compose and decompose numbers, and use numerals to record the size of a group.
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Number and Operations

Let's Count to 20

Make groups of 10 to 20 objects, connect number names to the groups, compose and decompose numbers, and use numerals to record the size of a group.
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Linking Length, Perimeter, Area, and Volume


Understand ratio, proportion, scale factor, and similarity using perimeter, area, volume and surface area of various rectangular shapes.


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Mathematics and Children's Literature


Three pieces of literature are used to teach geometry and measurement topics. 

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Data Analysis and Probability

Mathematics and Environmental Concerns

Focus on connections between mathematics and environmental concerns.
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Number and Operations

Mathematics and Football


Discuss, describe, read, and write about the graphs and the information obtained.