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Facing Up

In this lesson, students create a map of their face and practice locating different parts using the geometric and measurement concepts they have learned in previous lessons, including location, navigation, spatial relationships, and measurement with nonstandard units. Students reproduce their face and describe it to reinforce their knowledge and skills of measuring and mapping. Using these familiar territories connects mathematics with daily encounters.
Number and Operations

Counting Back

Students count back to compare plates of fish-shaped crackers, and then they record the comparison in vertical and horizontal format. They apply their skills of reasoning and problem solving during this lesson in several ways. [Because students have associated the word "more" with addition, the comparative approach to subtraction is typically more challenging for the students to understand.]
Number and Operations

How Many More?

Students write subtraction problems, model them with sets of fish-shaped crackers, and communicate their findings in words and pictures. They record differences in words and in symbols. The additive identity is reviewed in the context of comparing equal sets.
Number and Operations

Hopping Backward to Solve Problems

In this lesson, students determine differences using the number line to compare lengths. Because this meaning is based on linear measurement, it is a distinctly different representation from the meanings presented in Lessons One and Two. At the end of the lesson, the students use reasoning and problem solving to predict differences and to answer puzzles involving subtraction.
Number and Operations

Balancing Equations

This lesson encourages the students to explore another meaning for operations of subtraction, the balance. This meaning leads naturally into recording with equations. The students will imitate the action of a pan balance and record the modeled subtraction facts in equation form.
Number and Operations

Fact Family Fun

In this lesson, the relation of addition to subtraction is explored with fish-shaped crackers. The students search for related addition and subtraction facts for a given number and also investigate fact families when one addend or the difference is 0.
Data Analysis and Probability

Bar Graph Investigations

During this lesson, the students apply what they know about comparison subtraction by constructing bar graphs and using them to answer questions. They conduct a survey to gather data and then complete a bar graph. They also use the data to generate a bar graph using technology.
Number and Operations

Wrapping Up the Unit

During this final lesson in the unit, the students use the mathematical knowledge and skills developed in the previous lessons as they visit five stations to review comparative subtraction.


Students use appropriate vocabulary to describe shapes to their classmates. Students focus on the properties of shapes to develop mental images of objects from descriptors. They create multiple representations of triangles using geoboards, string, and crayons and paper.
Number and Operations

Focus on Two

A nursery rhyme provides a context for using the number 2. Students make groups of two, write the numeral 2, and record a group of two on a personal recording chart.