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Number and Operations

Sum Search

During this lesson, students practice addition facts (with sums of 5, 6, 7, and 8) in a concentration-game format using dominoes. Then they generate sums to given numbers using a calculator and record them on a hundreds chart and look for patterns.

Sorting Foods

Students sort foods using the categories of the Food Pyramid. They also create sets up to 10 and write numerals up to 10. Finally, students use an Internet-based tool to apply their knowledge of the Food Pyramid. This lesson makes a natural connection to the science of nutrition.

Eating Patterns

Students sort pictures of food and create patterns. They also analyze a partner's patterns and extend those patterns.

Pyramid Power

In this lesson, students make sets of a given number, explore relationships between numbers, and write numbers that name how many elements are in a group. They make and record sets of one more and one less than a given number.
Number and Operations

Combining Foods

In this lesson, students explore addition and comparison subtraction by modeling and recording related addition and subtraction facts for a given number. Comparison subtraction is the focus of this lesson because later in the unit, the students will explore the idea of "how many more?" to complete a set. The students also investigate the commutative property and model fact families, including those in which one addend is zero and those in which the addends are alike.
Number and Operations

Try for Five

In this lesson, students explore the many ways to decompose numbers, and they build on their knowledge of addition and subtraction to find missing addends.

Measuring with Teacher’s Feet

In this lesson, students use nonstandard units to measure the distance between objects found in their classroom. They create a nonstandard unit by using an outline of the teacher’s foot and cutting around it to use as a “measurer.” Students generate a list of four or five objects in the classroom from which they will measure the distance to their work space.

Measuring with Our Foot

Students measure the same distances as in the previous lesson using an outline cutout of their own foot. This enables students to practice using nonstandard units and to compare the measurement totals using their feet and the teacher’s foot.

Learning to Measure with Ladybug

The mathematical foci of this lesson are geometric concepts, location, navigation, direction, and spatial relationships and measurement concepts, using nonstandard units to measure a distance, and the iteration of units, measurement by using the same unit of measure repeatedly to determine the total. Students practice measuring with multiple units and a single unit following the methods modeled by the teacher and those appropriate for their level of understanding.

Handy Map

This lesson engages students in creating a map of their hands. It provides purpose for using directional or positional words with mapping. The teacher draws a map of his or her hands and begins mapping them using words the students suggest. This allows the teacher to assess positional concepts students currently know and to build on that knowledge. Students create a simple map.