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Data Analysis and Probability

Numbers and Me

In this lesson, students participate in activities in which they focus on the uses of numbers. The activities explore how students use numbers in school and every day settings as a way for students and the teacher to get to know each other at the beginning of the school year.

What’s Next?

Students begin their study of growing patterns by making linear patterns with pattern block shapes using several pattern cores. They extend a partner’s pattern and find the missing element in a pattern.

Looking Back and Moving Forward

In this final lesson of the Unit, students use logical thinking to create, identify, extend, and translate patterns. They make patterns with numbers and shapes and explore patterns in a variety of mathematical contexts.

Exploring Other Number Patterns

Students analyze numeric patterns, including Fibonacci numbers. They also describe numeric patterns and then record them in table form.
Number and Operations

Hopping on the Number Line

In this lesson, students generate products using the number line model. This model highlights the measurement aspect of multiplication and is a distinctly different representation of the operation. The order (commutative) property of multiplication is also introduced. Students are encouraged to predict products and to answer puzzles involving multiplication.
Data Analysis and Probability

Looking Back and Moving Forward

During this lesson, student use mathematical knowledge and skills developed in the previous lessons to demonstrate understanding and ability to apply that knowledge in a real-life context. As students tackle more complex tasks, teachers have opportunity to observe student’s competence with methods and tools for computation, estimation, problem posing and solving, collection of data, organization and interpretation of graphical representations, measuring with standard units, and responding to investigations that require the comparison of data sets.

Balancing Act

Problems such as those in this activity help develop what students already know in preparation for writing equations and learning ways to solve for variables. Students use mathematical models to explore quantitative relationships. When presented with pictures of pan balances with one or more objects in each pan, they communicate relationships between the weights of the objects by comparing the balanced and unbalanced pans.
Data Analysis and Probability

Looking Back and Moving Forward

As you review student work in this unit, it is important to remember the mathematical objectives/expectations of this Unit Plan that are stated in Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.

Finding Properties for Sorting

Students sort objects and observe the properties others use for sorting. This activity helps students understand and connect many mathematical ideas. By labeling their sorts, students connect number with sets of objects that compose the pattern.

What’s My Rule for Sorting?

Students build on prior knowledge of sorting and classifying when they recognize sorts and name rules for sorting. They identify common properties in the classroom environment and make, explain, and defend conjectures to extend their knowledge.