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Data Analysis and Probability

Up on Top

In this lesson students generate bar graphs. Posing and answering questions using the graphs gives them an opportunity to apply their reasoning and communication skills. They also consider whether a given category is likely, certain, or impossible.

Modeling Prizes

Children use pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters to model amounts to 70 cents. Next they answer money puzzles and estimate the number of pennies in a jar. They also add to the word wall.

Looking Back and Moving Forward

This final lesson of the unit reviews the work of the previous lessons. Children discuss and model prices and the words on the word wall and play games to facilitate continuing practice. They add to their portfolio and listen to another children’s book. Questions for summative evaluation are suggested.

What’s Next?

Pre-K-2, 3-5
In this lesson, students make patterns with objects, read patterns and find patterns in the environment. They should be encouraged to classify patterns by type (i.e. AAB, ABC). They continue learning about patterns by extending a given pattern, identifying missing elements in a pattern, and recording a pattern.

More Patterns

Students extend their knowledge of linear patterns by recognizing and discussing familiar patterns. Students make auditory and visual patterns from names. An art activity is suggested as an extension.

Looking Back and Moving Forward

This final lesson reviews the work of the previous lessons. Students explore patterns in additional contexts and record their investigations. Students will rotate through center activities. Teachers may add other centers they feel will benefit the students.

Ladybug Mazes

In this activity, students plan a series of moves that will navigate a ladybug through a maze. Their plans turn the ladybug at the appropriate corners and keep it on a path without crossing the walls. This activity helps students gain experience in estimating length and angle measures.
Number and Operations

Recording Two Ways

The students make sets of pasta shapes and count some away, then record the subtraction in vertical and horizontal formats. They draw a set and cross out some shapes, then write in both formats the subtraction that the drawing represents.
Number and Operations

How Many Left?

This lesson encourages the students to explore the familiar set model of subtraction. The students write story problems and find differences using sets, including subtracting all and subtracting zero. They record the differences in a chart.
Number and Operations

Where Will I Land?

In this lesson, the students find differences using the number line, a continuous model for subtraction. [Number can be considered in two ways: discrete and continuous. The counting and set models use the discrete form of number.] Students are encouraged to predict differences and to compose puzzles involving subtraction.