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Number and Operations

Inch by Inch

In this lesson, students use a ruler to represent various fractions as lengths. This lesson builds on the work done in the previous lessons with as students use a standard instrument to measure a variety of items, including items which can be measured to the nearest half and quarter of an inch.
Number and Operations

A Meter of Candy

In this series of 3 hands-on activities, students develop and reinforce their understanding of hundredths as fractions, decimals, and percentages. Students explore using candy pieces as they physically make and connect a set/linear model to area models.
OilOilEverywhere ICON

Oil Oil Everywhere

Oil spills are in the news. To make real-world connections, this lesson provides hands-on experiences with mixing oil and water, provides surface area information about the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and gives students opportunities to estimate small oil spills of their own making.
Number and Operations

Fraction Models

3-5, 6-8
Explore different representations for fractions including improper fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, and percentages. Additionally, there are length, area, region, and set models.


Pre-K-2, 3-5

Play a matching game with different representations of equivalent items.

Number and Operations

Fraction Feud: Comparing and Ordering Fractions

In this lesson, students use fraction bars to explore how to compare sizes of fractions. They conclude with an online Calculation Nation® game called Fraction Feud.

Bean Salad: Using Algebraic Reasoning to Determine Quantities of Ingredients

In this lesson, students use operations of whole numbers and/or fractions to determine the precise numbers of three types of dried beans needed to make salads. The use of manipulatives and partner activities provide differentiation and support learning for students of varying abilities.
Number and Operations

Fraction Game

3-5, 6-8
This applet allows students to individually practice working with relationships among fractions and ways of combining fractions.
Unit Icon

Fun with Fractions


Explore relationships among fractions through work with the length model.