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Classic Middle-Grades Problems for the Classroom

This lesson presents two classic problems (Mangoes Problem and Sailors and Coconuts) that can be represented and solved in several different ways. Middle-grades students work in groups on the problems to promote communication of mathematical ideas, and a variety of classroom solution attempts are described. This lesson plan was adapted from an article, written by Jerry Stonewater, which appeared in the November‑December 1994 issue of Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School.

Shops at the Mall

Students participate in an activity in which they develop number sense in and around the shopping mall. They solve problems involving percent and scale drawings.

Patterns and Functions

Students investigate properties of perimeter, area, and volume related to various geometric two- and three-dimensions shapes. They conjecture, test, discuss, verbalize, and generalize patterns. Through this process they discover the salient features of the pattern, construct understandings of concepts and relationships, develop a language to talk about the pattern, integrate, and discriminate between the pattern and other patterns. When relationships between quantities in a pattern are studied, knowledge about important mathematical relationships and functions emerges.
Number and Operations

Classifying Numbers

Students use Venn diagrams to represent the relationships between the factors or products of two numbers.
Number and Operations

Connections and Extensions

Students make connections and expand on what they have learned in the first three lessons. Students explain the effects of different moves on the game board. Finally, students "Guess My Number" using various clues.

Inclined Plane

Students time balls rolling down inclines of varying lengths and heights, then try to make inferences about the relationship among the variables involved. Students decide which variables are important (and can be measured), how best to collect the data, and how to interpret the data. This lesson plan is adapted from an article by Thomas Edwards, which appeared in the November - December 1995 edition of Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School.

Real Estate Tycoon

In this year-long project, students design, "build," and "sell" a house; after which they simulate investment of the profits in the stock market. Along the way, students make scale drawings, compute with fractions and decimals in various contexts, and even solve simple equations. This lesson plan was adapted from an article by David B. Smith, which appeared in the September 2000 edition of Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School.

Finding Your Way Around

Students explore two-dimensional space via an activity in which they navigate the coordinate plane. This NCTM Publication-Based Lesson Plan is adapted from the article,"Tips for Teaching Cartesian Graphing: Linking Concepts and Procedures" by Cathy G. Schloemer, which appeared in Teaching Children Mathematics, Vol. 1, No. 1 (September 1994) pp. 20-23.
Number and Operations

Understanding Rational Numbers and Proportions


In this lesson, students use real-world models to develop an understanding of fractions, decimals, unit rates, proportions, and problem solving.

The three activities in this investigation center on situations involving rational numbers and proportions that students encounter at a bakery. These activities involve several important concepts of rational numbers and proportions, including partitioning a unit into equal parts, the quotient interpretation of fractions, the area model of fractions, determining fractional parts of a unit not cut into equal-sized pieces, equivalence, unit prices, and multiplication of fractions.

Number and Operations

Multiplying Integers Using Videotape

In this lesson, students experience beginning-algebra concepts through discussion, exploration, and videotaping. The concept of multiplication of integers is presented in a format which encourages understanding, not simply rote memorization of facts. This lesson plan is adapted from the article, "A Videotaping Project to Explore the Multiplication of Integers", by Marcia B. Cooke, which appeared in Arithmetic Teacher, Vol. 41, No. 3 (November 1993) pp. 170-171.