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Number and Operations

Product Game

3-5, 6-8
This applet is the Product Game: a fun, interactive game that exercises your skill with factors and multiples.
Number and Operations

Personal Number

3-5, 6-8
Find your personal number using your birthday! It is the month + date + year & month × date × year.
Number and Operations

Playing the Product Game

Students learn how to play the Product Game. As they play the game, students develop understanding of factors, multiples, and the relationships between them. Winning strategies are discussed. The Product Game was adapted from Prime Time: Factors and Multiples, part of the Connected Mathematics Project, and was written by G. Lappan, J. Fey, W Fitzgerald, S. Friel and E. Phillips (Dale Seymour Publications, 1996, pp.17-25.)
Number and Operations

Making Your Own Product Game

In Part II, students make their own game boards. The task of creating a new game is challenging to most students. They learn a lot by experimenting and by making mistakes about what factors and products to include in a game.
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Number and Operations

The Product Game

3-5, 6-8
Start with a number and find its factors. Then, start with factors and multiply to find the product.
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Ladybug Adventures

Build ideas about navigation and location, as described in the Geometry Standard, and use these ideas to solve problems.
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Algebraic Transformations

Create a shape sorter and consider all possible moves that will return a shape to its original position.