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CorrelationAndTheRegressionLine ICON
Data Analysis and Probability

Correlation and the Regression Line

Interactive computer-based tools provide students with the opportunity to easily investigate the relationship between a set of data points and a curve used to fit the data points. As students work with bivariate data in grades 9-12, they will be able to investigate relationships between the variables using linear, exponential, power, logarithmic, and other functions for curve fitting. Using interactive tools like the one below, students can investigate the properties of regression lines and correlation.
Data Analysis and Probability

The Centroid and the Regression Line

Interactive computer-based tools provide students with the opportunity to easily investigate the relationship between a set of data points and a curve used to fit the data points. As students work with bivariate data in grades 9-12, they will be able to investigate relationships between the variables using linear, exponential, power, logarithmic, and other functions for curve fitting. Using interactive tools like the one below, students can investigate the properties of regression lines and correlation.
Data Analysis and Probability

Conduct an Experiment

Sea gulls and crows feed on various types of mollusks by lifting them into the air and dropping them onto a rock to break open their shells. Biologists have observed that northwestern crows consistently drop a type of mollusk called a whelk from a mean height of about 5 meters. The crows appear to be selective; they pick up only large-sized whelks. They are also persistent. For instance, one crow was observed to drop a single whelk 20 times. Scientists have suggested that this behavior is an example of decision-making in optimal foraging.
6146 icon
Data Analysis and Probability

Sickle Cell Anemia Inheritance

6-8, 9-12
In this lesson, students explore the concept of genetics and inheritance. The lesson focuses on sickle cell anemia, a genetic disease that is dependent on a recessive trait. Students will perform data collection and analysis of the probability of a child of two sickle trait parents inheriting sickle cell anemia. To do this, they play a game that models how the inheritance of a disease works from parents’ genes. Later, students construct family trees with probability to determine the genotypes of family members.
PiFight ICON

Pi Fight

6-8, 9-12

Become comfortable with using both radians and degrees. 

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Making Sense of Percent Concentrations


Predict, model, and generalize conjectures about percent concentrations.


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Data Analysis and Probability

Cardiac Output, Rates of Change, and Accumulation


Explore the measurement of the amount of blood being pumped by a heart.  

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Code Crackers


Begin an exploration of cryptology by first learning about two simple coding methods— the Caesar cipher and the Vigenere cipher. 

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Counting the Trains

6-8, 9-12

In this unit, students will investigate a relationship between recursive functions and exponential functions.


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Data Analysis and Probability

Determining Functions Using Regression

Collect data and determine the best type of function to describe the trend.