Sea gulls and crows feed on various types of mollusks by lifting them
into the air and dropping them onto a rock to break open their shells.
Biologists have observed that northwestern crows consistently drop a
type of mollusk called a whelk from a mean height of about 5 meters.
The crows appear to be selective; they pick up only large-sized whelks.
They are also persistent. For instance, one crow was observed to drop a
single whelk 20 times. Scientists have suggested that this behavior is
an example of decision-making in optimal foraging.
As you review student work in this unit, it is important to remember
the mathematical objectives/expectations of this Unit Plan that are
stated in
Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.
In this lesson, students manipulate a velocity vector to control the movement of a car in a game setting. Students learn that vectors are composed of two components: magnitude and direction.
This example illustrates how using a dynamic geometrical representation
can help students develop an understanding of vectors and their
properties, as described in the Number and Operations Standard.
Students manipulate a two vectors to control the movement of a plane in
a game-like setting. Students extend their knowledge from the first
lesson to further investigate the system of vectors.
Students measure the diameter and circumference of various circular
objects, plot the measurements on a graph, and relate the slope of the
line to π, the ratio of circumference to diameter.
In this lesson, students investigate slope as a rate of change. Students compare, contrast, and make conjectures based on distance-time graphs for three bicyclists climbing to the top of a mountain.
In this lesson, students will investigate the Caesar substitution cipher. Text will be encoded and decoded using inverse operations.
Students will measure lengths on stringed musical instruments, and discuss how the placement of frets on a fretted instrument is determined by a geometric sequence.
In the second lesson of this unit, students will use their discoveries from the first lesson to place frets on a fretless instrument. They will then compare geometric sequences with exponential functions.
In this cooperative learning activity, students are presented with a
real-world problem: Given a mirror and laser pointer, determine the
position where one should stand so that a reflected light image will
hit a designated target.
This investigation allows students to develop several rational
functions that models three specific forms of a rational function.
Students explore the relationship between the graph, the equation, and
problem context.