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Nov2020 Tiny Cover

Symmetry and Identity: An Exploration of the Progress Flag

This lesson is based on the MTLT article, Supporting LGBTQ+ Students in K-12 Mathematics by Brandie E. Waid. In this lesson, students identify lines of symmetry for various symbols, create line-symmetrical figures and examples and non examples of images that have lines of symmetry, and analyze and discuss similarities and differences between their identify and that of their classmates. 
Mar2020 Tiny Cover

Funky Protractors

This lesson is based on the MTLT  article, “Funky Protractors for Exploring Angle Measures” by Hamilton L. Hardison. In this lesson, students recognize and justify the validity of a tool and differentiate angularity from nonangular features.
Feb2020 Tiny Cover
Data Analysis and Probability

Model Application Activity (MAA)

3-5, 6-8
This lesson is based on the MTLT article, “Developing Statistical Modeling with Helicopters” by Katie Makar, Sue Allmond, Helen M. Doerr, and Robert C. delMas. In this lesson, students design a way to collect evidence of flight durations based on two types of paper helicopters.
Feb2020 Tiny Cover
Data Analysis and Probability

Model Exploration Activity (MXA)

3-5, 6-8
This lesson is based on the MTLT article, “Developing Statistical Modeling with Helicopters” by Katie Makar, Sue Allmond, Helen M. Doerr, and Robert C. delMas. This lesson engages students in a model exploration activity to explore dot plots using a paper helicopter investigation.
Feb2020 Tiny Cover
Data Analysis and Probability

Model Eliciting Activity (MEA)

3-5, 6-8
This lesson is based on the MTLT article, “Developing Statistical Modeling with Helicopters” by Katie Makar, Sue Allmond, Helen M. Doerr, and Robert C. delMas. This lesson engages students in a model eliciting activity to investigate how long a paper helicopter stays in the air.
Jun2021 Tiny Cover
Number and Operations

Make One (Face-to-Face)

This lesson is based on the MTLT article, “Playing with Fractions” by Juli K. Dixon, Treshonda Rutledge, Jennifer C. Caton, and Edward C. Nolan. In this lesson students model fractions with a fraction kit and reason about adding fractions with unlike denominators.
Number and Operations

Using Number Talks to Compare Fractions


Based on an MTLT article, the authors implement a coordinated series of well-connected number talks that allow for students to make sense of a variety of strategies that provide “flexibility” in their mathematical reasoning when comparing fractions. 

2023Aug Cover

Patterns and Functions

In this lesson, students will explain their understanding of patterns using their home languages. 

Understanding and Comparing Three-Digit Numbers


In this lesson, students will learn to make math drawings for hundreds, tens, and ones and connect the drawings to numerical symbols on layered place-value cards.  Students will then compare two-digit and three-digit numbers, justifying their choices using math drawings and/or the layered place-value cards to show their classmates their reasoning.