In this cooperative learning activity, students are presented with a
real-world problem: Given a mirror and laser pointer, determine the
position where one should stand so that a reflected light image will
hit a designated target.
This investigation allows students to develop several rational
functions that models three specific forms of a rational function.
Students explore the relationship between the graph, the equation, and
problem context.
Students explore two different methods for dividing the area of a circle in half, one of which uses concentric circles. The first assumption that many students make is that half of the radius will yield a circle with half the area. This is not true, and it surprises students. In this lesson, students investigate the optimal radius length to divide the area of a circle evenly between an inner circle and an outer ring.
In this lesson, students will investigate the Caesar substitution cipher. Text will be encoded and decoded using inverse operations.
3-5, 6-8
Exercise your factoring ability against a human or the computer in this Calculation Nation game.
on the role of numbers and language in real-world situations.
the relationship between pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.
Predict, model, and generalize conjectures about
percent concentrations.
6-8, 9-12
In this lesson,
students explore the concept of genetics and inheritance. The lesson focuses on
sickle cell anemia, a genetic disease that is dependent on a recessive
trait. Students will perform data collection and analysis of the probability
of a child of two sickle trait parents inheriting sickle cell anemia. To do
this, they play a game that models how the inheritance of a disease works from
parents’ genes. Later, students construct family trees with probability to
determine the genotypes of family members.
Interactive computer-based tools provide students with the opportunity
to easily investigate the relationship between a set of data points and a
curve used to fit the data points. As students work with bivariate data
in grades 9-12, they will be able to investigate relationships between
the variables using. Using interactive tools like the one below,
students can investigate the properties of regression lines and
In this lesson,
students examine and draw representations of cubes and then learn how to analyze
these representations using complex numbers. Students use what they know about
operations on complex numbers to see if a drawing is an accurate representation
of a cube. They also learn how to generate complex numbers that will produce
such representations.