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Tree Talk

3-5, 6-8
If a tree could talk, we could ask it how old it is. Here is a mathematical way to estimate the age of your schoolyard trees. Students will measure circumference of trees in order to find diameter and calculate age of local trees using a growth rate table.
DynamicPaper ICON
Data Analysis and Probability

Dynamic Paper

Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Need a pentagonal pyramid that's six inches tall? Or a number line that goes from ‑18 to 32 by 5's? You can create all those things and more! Place the images you want, then export it as a PDF or as a JPG image.


Geometric Solids

Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
This tool allows you to manipulate various geometric solids and investigate their properties.

Tessellation Creator

3-5, 6-8
Use this applet to create patterns to cover the screen using regular polygons.

Cube Nets

3-5, 6-8
This applet allows you to examine various two-dimensional figures to determine which ones can be folded into a cube.

Area Tool

Use this tool to determine how the length of the base and the height of a triangle, parallelogram, or trapezoid can be used to determine its area.

Shape Tool

Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8
This tool allows you to create any geometric shape imaginable. Squares, triangles, rhombi, trapezoids and hexagons can be created, colored, enlarged, shrunk, rotated, reflected, sliced, and glued together.

Flip-n-Slide: Exploring Transformations through Modeling and Computer Games

6-8, 9-12
In this lesson, students will explore reflections, translations and rotations. Students participate in a modeling activity where they will learn the rules for translations and reflections. Then students will practice using these transformations, as well as explore the rules for rotations, in the game Flip-n-Slide on Calculation Nation®.

Fair and Square: Using Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract Activities to Maximize Area

3-5, 6-8
Students discover the relationships between area and perimeter as they prep for playing Square Off, a wonderful Calculation Nation® game. This lesson helps students understand the math of area and perimeter, which will help to maximize their scores when playing the game. Creating human-sized rectangles and working with geoboards provide concrete experiences before moving on to pictorial and abstract work with area and perimeter of rectangles.

DiRT Dash: Planning the Fastest Route across Various Terrains

The shortest distance between two points is a line. But what is the shortest time to travel between two points on different terrains? In this lesson, students will predict, estimate and then calculate the path that results in the fastest time to travel between two points when different terrains affect the fastest path. This lesson is designed as an introduction to the Calculation Nation® game DiRT Dash and prepares students to apply mathematics to improve their performance in the game.