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Code Crackers


Begin an exploration of cryptology by first learning about two simple coding methods— the Caesar cipher and the Vigenere cipher. 

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Counting the Trains

6-8, 9-12

In this unit, students will investigate a relationship between recursive functions and exponential functions.


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Data Analysis and Probability

Fibonacci Nim


Represent numbers in other bases and convert to and from decimal representations, and then, learn how to play Static Nim.  

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Number and Operations

Learn about Properties of Vectors and Vector Sums Using Dynamic Software

Develop an understanding of vectors and their properties.
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To Fret or Not To Fret


Explore geometric sequences and exponential functions by considering the placement of frets on stringed instruments.


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Number and Operations

Using an Elevator to Evaluate Signed Number Expressions

6-8, 9-12

Using an Elevator to Evaluate Signed Number Expressions Using the idea of an elevator moving up and down, students will be given a small set of rules to add and subtract signed integers. The idea behind the method of adding and subtracting signed integers offered in these lesson is that the number of rules that s