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Number and Operations

How Many Left?

This lesson encourages the students to explore the familiar set model of subtraction. The students write story problems and find differences using sets, including subtracting all and subtracting zero. They record the differences in a chart.
Number and Operations

Where Will I Land?

In this lesson, the students find differences using the number line, a continuous model for subtraction. [Number can be considered in two ways: discrete and continuous. The counting and set models use the discrete form of number.] Students are encouraged to predict differences and to compose puzzles involving subtraction.
Number and Operations

What Balances?

This lesson encourages students to explore another meaning of subtraction, the balance. They use subtraction facts to generate related addition facts and explore at the concrete level the idea of subtraction as the inverse of addition.
Number and Operations

Who's in the Fact Family?

In this lesson, the exploration of the relation of addition to subtraction is continued as the students use problem-solving skills to find fact families, including those in which one addend is zero or in which the addends are alike.
Number and Operations

What's the Difference?

During this lesson, students use reasoning to find differences from numbers up to 10, using real and virtual calculators and an addition chart as tools. They also play a concentration game.
Data Analysis and Probability

Baby Weight

In this lesson, students work with data to complete an organized chart by doubling or halving numbers. Then, they compare data using vertical and horizontal bar graphs.
Number and Operations

Take Away

The following lesson introduces elementary students to subtraction. The objective is to create a link between students' experiences and mathematics. By the end of the lesson it is expected that students have a deep understanding of subtraction and how it relates to their world. This lesson was adapted from "Helping Students Understand Subtraction" by Anita Page, which appeared in the November 1994 Teaching Children Mathematics, Vol. 1, No. 3.
Number and Operations

Toy-Shop Numbers

A toy-shop theme is used to help stimulate and generate discussion about numbers. Students use examples from a toy-shop to identify real-world uses of numbers and to write stories about those numbers.
Data Analysis and Probability

Create a House Number

This lesson focuses on forming 3-digit house numbers to meet specific requirements. Careful reading of information and understanding of mathematical language are important to finding appropriate solutions. Using the problem-solving strategies of looking for patterns and establishing an organized list will aid students in finding all the possible solution sets.
Number and Operations

Building Numbers to Five

In this lesson, students make groups of zero to 5 objects, connect number names to the groups, compose and decompose numbers, and use numerals to record the size of a group. Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic activities are used to help students begin to acquire a sense of number.