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Data Analysis and Probability

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Students create bar graphs and circle graphs and find the range and mode of two data sets.
Data Analysis and Probability

Creating Pictographs

Students create pictographs and answer questions about the data set.
Data Analysis and Probability

Comparing Averages

Students create a box and whisker plot and compare the mean, median, and mode of a set of data.
Data Analysis and Probability

Describing Data

Students create glyphs based on the characteristics of their names. They also enter data into a spreadsheet and sort it in several ways.
Data Analysis and Probability

State Data

Students create graphs based on the characteristics of the names of the 50 States, and find mean, median, mode, and range of the data.
MakingAndInvestigatingFractionStrips ICON
Number and Operations

Making and Investigating Fraction Strips

Students make and use a set of fraction strips to represent the length model, discover fraction relationships, and work with equivalent fractions.
Number and Operations

More Fun with Fraction Strips

Students continue to work with fraction strips to compare and order fractions. This lesson builds on the work done with fraction relationships in the previous lesson. Students develop skills in problem solving and reasoning as they make connections between various fractions.
Number and Operations

Investigating Fraction Relationships with Relationship Rods


Students use relationship rods to explore fraction relationships. This work with relationships lays the foundation for work with more challenging fraction concepts.

Relationship rods are wooden or plastic rods in ten different colors. They range in length from one to ten centimeters. Each length is a different color.

Number and Operations

Investigating Equivalent Fractions with Relationship Rods

Students investigate the length model by working with relationship rods to find equivalent fractions. Students develop skills in reasoning and problem solving as they explain how two fractions are equivalent (the same length).
Number and Operations

Inch by Inch

In this lesson, students use a ruler to represent various fractions as lengths. This lesson builds on the work done in the previous lessons with as students use a standard instrument to measure a variety of items, including items which can be measured to the nearest half and quarter of an inch.