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Data Analysis and Probability

A Tale of Two Stories


The activities use The Three Little Pigs (Galdone 1970) and Cinderella (Grimm and Grimm 1981) to motivate students to think and reason mathematically.

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Number and Operations

The Product Game

3-5, 6-8
Start with a number and find its factors. Then, start with factors and multiply to find the product.
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Data Analysis and Probability

Count on Math

3-5, 6-8

Develop number sense through activities involving collection, representation, and analysis of data.

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Data Analysis and Probability

Accessing and Investigating Population Data

This cluster of Internet Mathematics Excursions describes activities in which students can use census data available on the Web to examine questions about population.
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Data Analysis and Probability

Information Represented Graphically

Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8

Participate in activities to analyze information represented graphically.

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Ideas with Food


Use organization, preparation, and presentation of foods as a way of applying various mathematical concepts, with problem-solving techniques being central to almost all the activities.

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Exploration of a Balance

Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8
Focus on patterns and relations that can be developed from the exploration of balance, mass, length of the mass arm, and the position of the fulcrum.
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Data Analysis and Probability


Focus on combinations, a subject related to the probability-and-statistics strand of mathematics.
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Number and Operations

Money Makers

Refine your number sense and problem solving strategies as groups compete for the title "Money Makers!"
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Data Analysis and Probability

Eat Your Veggies

Collect and display data in a variety of ways, beginning with tallies and pictographs.