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Two Runners

In this activity, students use a software simulation of two runners along a track. Students control the speed and starting point of the runners, watch the race, examine the graphs, and analyze the time-versus-distance relationships. This activity helps students understand, describe, and compare situations involving constant rates of change.
Data Analysis and Probability

Pigging Out

This lesson uses the story of The Three Little Pigs to motivate students to think and reason mathematically in a number of ways. Students develop reasoning skills and identify similarities and differences through the use of Venn Diagram. Spatial reasoning is also emphasized in this lesson.
Data Analysis and Probability

If the Shoe Fits...

Students use classification skills to compare and contrast versions of the Cinderella story. Students identify similarities and differences between two versions. In addition, they use attributes to classify and sort information.
Data Analysis and Probability

Rescue Mission Game


Students play a game to learn about the four forces of flight: lift, drag, thrust, and weight. Before playing the game, students conduct a probability experiment with spinners and record their results in tally tables and bar graphs. They then use their findings to select spinners with the greatest probability of helping them win the game. In a portion of the game, students use ordered pairs to plot points on the coordinate plane to show their flight path.

This lesson was adapted from Travel in the Solar System in Mission Mathematics II: Grades 3‑5, a NASA/NCTM project, NCTM 1997.

Data Analysis and Probability

Picture This

In this lesson, students participate in an activity in which they conduct a survey, analyze and summarize the data they collect, and draw conclusions from their findings. This lesson plan was adapted from the article "Picture This" by Marty Hopkins, which appeared in Teaching Children Mathematics, February 1998, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 354-59.

What’s Next?

Students begin their study of growing patterns by making linear patterns with pattern block shapes using several pattern cores. They extend a partner’s pattern and find the missing element in a pattern.

Patterns on Charts

Students find, record, and analyze patterns on hundred and multiplication charts. They also use an online calculator to generate patterns and then record the patterns on a chart.

Growing Patterns

Students use numbers to make growing patterns. They create, analyze, and describe growing patterns and then record them. They also analyze a special growing pattern called Pascal’s triangle.

Looking Back and Moving Forward

In this final lesson of the Unit, students use logical thinking to create, identify, extend, and translate patterns. They make patterns with numbers and shapes and explore patterns in a variety of mathematical contexts.

Exploring Other Number Patterns

Students analyze numeric patterns, including Fibonacci numbers. They also describe numeric patterns and then record them in table form.