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Parts of a Square

Students investigate the ways shapes can be divided into equal pieces with one or two cuts. The lesson provides a review of the following vocabulary terms: square, triangle, and rectangle; congruent, one-half, and one-fourth. The other lessons in this unit build on this introductory lesson.

Describing Designs

Students create designs and describe them to a classmate, using fractional and geometric terms. This lesson provides a context for using the following vocabulary terms: horizontal, vertical, square, rectangle, triangle, diagonal, one-half, and one-fourth.

Exploring Flips and Slides

This lesson builds on the previous two lessons and encourages students to explore the geometric transformations of reflections and translations. Students create a design. Then, using flips and slides, students make a four-part paper "mini-quilt." While the formal terms are reflection and translation, the more informal terms slide and flip are used at this stage. The experience focuses students’ attention on the changes these geometric transformations make in a student-designed quilt square.

Exploring Turns

This lesson encourages students to explore the geometric transformation of rotation. Students create a design then, using turns, make a four‑part paper "mini-quilt" with that design as the basis. While the formal term is rotation, the more informal turn is used at this grade band. The experience focuses students’ attention on the changes the geometric transformations make in a student-designed quilt square.

Analyzing Designs

This lesson encourages students to explore the geometric transformation of rotation, reflection and translation more fully. Students create a design then, using flips, turns, and slides, make a 4-part paper "mini-quilt" square with that design as the basis. This experience focuses students’ attention on both the changes produced by the geometric transformations and on line symmetry.

Planning and Making a Mini-Quilt

Students create a quilt using the three transformations and investigate the ways shapes can be colored to show one-half and one-fourth. They locate lines of symmetry and create a set of directions for making their quilt block.
Number and Operations

Hopping on the Number Line

In this lesson, students generate products using the number line model. This model highlights the measurement aspect of multiplication and is a distinctly different representation of the operation. The order (commutative) property of multiplication is also introduced. Students are encouraged to predict products and to answer puzzles involving multiplication.
Number and Operations

Exploring Equal Sets

This lesson builds on the previous lesson and encourages students to explore another model for multiplication, the familiar set model. Students find products using equal sets and present results in the form of a table. The students apply their knowledge about multiplication in the creation of pictographs.
Number and Operations

Modeling Multiplication With Streets and Avenues

This lesson encourages students to explore the array model of multiplication, a model that lays an important foundation for the later study of area. The lesson focuses on the factors 4 and 6. Students will also explore products with 0 or 1 as a factors. First students make arrays with counters, and then they create a second concrete example of the array model using toothpicks. They also write problems which involve multiplication.
Number and Operations

Balance Beam Discoveries

This lesson encourages students to explore another model of multiplication, the balance beam, and another relationship, the inverse of multiplication. This exploration leads naturally into representing multiplication facts in equation form. In addition to extending their understandings of the concept of multiplication, students begin to practice the multiplication facts by playing the Product Game.