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PythagoreanReview ICON

Pythagorean Review


Review and explore the Pythagorean Theorem.


EulersLine ICON

Euler's Line

Discover and explore Euler's Line.

Investigating Functions with a Ferris Wheel: Distance vs. Height

Investigating Functions with a Ferris Wheel: Distance vs. Height A Web Sketchpad activity helps students make sense of relationships between quantities, in this case the way that the distance a car travels around a Ferris wheel covaries with its height. <iframe src="/tools/ferriswheel/FerrisWheel_

Investigating Functions with a Ferris Wheel: Distance vs. Width

Investigating Functions with a Ferris Wheel: Distance vs. Width A Web Sketchpad activity helps students make sense of relationships between quantities, in this case the way that the distance a car travels around a Ferris wheel covaries with its "width" or horizontal distance from the center of the Ferris wheel