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Interactive Highlights

  • NCTM KenKen

    Check out our newest downloadable app in the iTunes app store today!

  • Web Sketchpad

    Take a look at our collection of mobile-friendly resources, and let us know what would be useful in your classroom! 

  • Mobile Interactives

    Is your school 1:1? Integrate technology into your classroom using these tablet-optimized interactives today!

New Interactives

Investigating Functions with a Ferris Wheel: Distance vs. Width

Investigating Functions with a Ferris Wheel: Distance vs. Width A Web Sketchpad activity helps students make sense of relationships between quantities, in this case the way that the distance a car travels around a Ferris wheel covaries with its "width" or horizontal distance from the center of the Ferris wheel

Investigating Functions with a Ferris Wheel: Distance vs. Height

Investigating Functions with a Ferris Wheel: Distance vs. Height A Web Sketchpad activity helps students make sense of relationships between quantities, in this case the way that the distance a car travels around a Ferris wheel covaries with its height. <iframe src="/tools/ferriswheel/FerrisWheel_

EulersLine ICON

Euler's Line

Discover and explore Euler's Line.
PythagoreanReview ICON

Pythagorean Review


Review and explore the Pythagorean Theorem.


PowerOfAPoint ICON

Power of a Point


Use this tool to investigate what happens when point P is moved to various points within, on, and outside the circle. What, if any, relationships can you identify among the segments and radius?

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